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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-10-26 共2489字








  After the Beijing Olympic Games, China's sports career and sports market usheredin a hitherto unknown full activation of sports in our country, with thesocialization and industrialization of continuously thorough, more and more peopleare willing to participate in sports in the past, and purposeful, selectively addedto the appropriate sports project to. With the rapid growth of our national economy,the improvement of living standards, people's requirements for quality of life andgrow with each passing day, which brings huge market demand for the sporting goodsindustry in china. At the same time, the choice of sports activities are also moretargeted -- professional, comfortable, durable is the first choice of sportsproducts. Therefore, the future of China's sports goods enterprises should applythe innovation of science and technology and material technology perfect to be insports products to win more market share.

  At present, China is the world's largest production base, accounting for 65%share of global sporting goods. But with the arrival of the economic globalization,all kinds of foreign brands to enter the Chinese market, various defects andweaknesses existing in Chinese local sporting goods enterprises is increasinglyrevealed. Small scale enterprises, products with low technological content,technology innovation ability is weak and so are the Chinese sporting goodsenterprises fatal, if do not strive for breakthrough and innovation, China sportinggoods market in the future may be occupied by foreign sports brand. The purpose ofthis study is to solve the existing problems of our sports goods enterprises in theirown development and foreign competition, the strategic plan for their owndevelopment for China's sports goods enterprises to develop, in order to clear thefuture of China's sports goods enterprises direction.

  In this paper, using the method of literature, logical analysis, expertinterview, on the existing problems in Chinese sports enterprises are discussed andanalyzed, through in-depth understanding, comparing their differences, theestablishment of a “differentiation strategy” form, different from the products,brands, channels and other aspects analysis for its own development direction, soas to provide reference for the future development of Chinese sports enterprises.A case study of Anta Sports Products Limited, the empirical analysis of sports goodsenterprise strategy, bring the realistic basis for the paper.

  KEY WORDS: Sporting goods enterprises;Differentiation strategy

  目 录



  目 录……VI

  引 言……1

  1 文献综述 ……3

  1.1 差异化战略的概念与本质 ……3

  1.2 差异化战略的内涵辨析研究 ……3

  1.3 差异化战略的组成结构研究 ……4

  1.4 差异化战略的实施研究 ……4

  1.5 差异化战略的实例分析研究 ……5

  2 研究对象和研究方法 ……7

  2.1 研究对象 ……7

  2.2 研究方法 ……7

  2.2.1 文献资料法……7

  2.2.2 案例分析法……7

  2.2.3 专家访谈法……7

  2.2.4 逻辑分析法……7

  3 结果与分析 ……9

  3.1 我国体育用品企业现状 ……9

  3.1.1 相关概念的界定……9

  3.1.2 我国体育用品企业的经济成分……10

  3.1.3 我国体育用品企业的规模……10

  3.1.4 我国体育用品企业的销售额……11

  3.1.5 我国体育用品企业的出口情况……12

  3.2 我国体育用品企业存在的问题 ……13

  3.2.1 缺乏统一的总体发展战略……13

  3.2.2 企业规模小,竞争力不强……13

  3.2.3 企业资金有限,产品科技含量低……13

  3.2.4 品牌定位模糊,高端市场的占有额不足……14

  3.2.5 企业结构建设不健全……15

  3.3 我国体育用品企业差异化战略的构建 ……15

  3.3.1 水平差异化和垂直差异化……15

  3.3.2 差异化战略构建途径……16

  3.4 我国体育用品企业差异化战略的实施 ……18

  3.4.1 产品差异化的实施……18

  3.4.2 服务差异化的实施……19

  3.4.3 品牌差异化的实施……20

  3.4.4 渠道差异化的实施……20

  3.4.5 形象差异化的实施……20

  4 差异化战略实证分析-以安踏体育用品有限公司为例 ……21

  4.1 安踏公司简介 ……21

  4.2 安踏公司差异化战略的实施 ……21

  4.2.1 安踏产品差异化……21

  4.2.2 安踏服务差异化……22

  4.2.3 安踏品牌差异化……22

  4.2.4 安踏渠道差异化……22

  4.2.5 安踏形象差异化……23

  结 论……25


  致 谢……29
