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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-24 共2699字


  摘 要




  In recent years, the field of domestic construction showed a rapid growth trend, there hasbeen more and more highway construction general contracting projects, design managementat the core of the entire project in general contracting management, and the low level ofmanagement has direct impact on the quality of project. In order to achieve effectivemanagement of highway turnkey projects, through the analysis of the various stages of roadconstruction design management, this paper puts forward the whole process of designmanagement, and pointed out that it is relatively reasonable. On how to achieve effectivemanagement of design management and improve the management level of general contractingprojects, both to meet the requirements of owners , but also reduce costs, save investment andimprove economic benefits etc. On the basis of value engineering and financial management,this paper analyzed the factors of determining the optimal design. Besides, combined withengineering general contract's features and content of the various stages of road construction,the paper established the whole process design management system of general contractingproject, based on the basis of literature, through the method of inductive and comprehensiveanalysis, this paper established the whole process of design management of generalcontracting project management system, which explained under the system made it easier toplay mutual synergies between design and construction with systems engineering theory, andalso analyzed the referred design management content from the decision-making stage and thedesign stage to the construction stage and operation and maintenance phase. The resultsshowed that coordination between design and construction management is the key toinfluence the whole process design management, coordination of the various stages of theproject will have a direct impact on the quality of investment and progress management. Thewhole process design management system requires the effective coordination for the variousstages of project implementation process, especially between the design phase andconstruction phase, to implement effective lap and exert the complementary interaction, alsofocus on a single stage design management changed to the whole process design management,make up deficiency of stage design management and improve the content of project designmanagement. Accordingly, general contractor conducts highway design turnkey projectmanagement, which makes easy to exert the advantage and economic benefits of engineeringgeneral contracting mode.

  Key words: engineering management; engineering general contract; projectmanagement; the whole process design management; constructability

    目 录

  第一章 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.1.1 我国公路工程总承包模式发展现状

  1.1.2 我国公路工程总承包模式应用现状

  1.1.3 工程总承包模式下设计管理的重要性

  1.1.4 公路总承包项目设计管理存在的问题

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究目的和意义

  1.4 研究内容及方法

  1.4.1 研究内容

  1.4.2 技术路线和方法

  第二章 全过程设计管理概述

  2.1 全过程设计管理的基本内涵

  2.1.1 全过程设计管理的界定

  2.1.2 全过程设计管理的重要性

  2.2 基于业主的全过程设计管理

  2.2.1 业主关于设计工作的规定

  2.2.2 业主关于设计审批争议的问题分析

  2.3 基于总承包商的全过程设计管理

  第三章 总承包商决策阶段的设计管理

  3.1 公路总承包模式下可施工性分析

  3.1.1 可施工性概述

  3.1.2 分析可施工性的意义

  3.1.3 可施工性分析的可行性

  3.1.4 可施工性分析的工作程序

  3.2 总承包商介入设计工作时机分析

  3.2.1 总承包商介入时机的选择

  3.2.2 从初步设计开始的总承包模式

  3.2.3 施工图设计开始的总承包模式

  3.3 总承包模式下总承包商设计责任研究

  3.3.1 DBB 模式下的设计责任

  3.3.2 总承包模式下设计责任分析

  3.3.3 总承包模式与 DBB 模式下设计责任差异分析

  第四章 总承包商设计阶段的设计管理

  4.1 设计组织管理

  4.1.1 总承包项目设计部的组织机构

  4.1.2 设计部的岗位职责范围

  4.2 设计程序管理

  4.2.1 设计策划管理

  4.2.2 设计输入管理

  4.2.3 设计过程管理

  4.2.4 设计输出管理

  4.3 设计投资控制

  4.4 设计质量管理

  4.5 设计进度管理

  第五章 总承包商后续阶段的设计管理

  5.1 施工阶段的设计管理

  5.1.1 施工部门对设计图纸的审查

  5.1.2 设计部门向施工部门的交底

  5.1.3 设计部门对施工部门的监督

  5.1.4 设计与施工接口及协调管理

  5.1.5 设计变更管理

  5.2 运行维护阶段的设计管理



