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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-10-31 共2808字


  摘 要

  08 年金融危机以来,全国各地方政府为了拉动内需并完善基础设施建设,维持 GDP 增速,成立了许多以融资为主要目的的公司,如城投公司、交投公司水投公司等,大家对这类公司有个统一的叫法称之为政府融资平台,这些融资平台经过多年发展,为当地的公共设施建设和公益项目做出了很多贡献,同时,过度负债,自身经营性收入不高,还款来源过于以依赖当地财政收入等问题也日益暴露在社会公众面前。根据国家审计署的审计结果显示,截至 2013 年 6月底,全国各级政府负有偿还责任的债务 20.69 万亿,其中地方政府富有偿还责任的债务 10.88 万亿,债务率为 113.4%,而根据一些国外金融机构的测算,政府真实债务可能还要高于这个金额,稍有不慎,就会给全国带来巨大的金融风险和财务风险。截至 2014 年 6 月,据银监会的统计结果,全国各级政府融资平台的总数量早已过万,其中区县级融资平台更是占 60%以上,这些数量巨大的融资平台下一步如何发展,是逐渐推出历史舞台还是在政府新的政策下成功转型,在经济增速放缓的今天,如何安全的解决这些巨额存量政府债务,文中通过对国内外地方政府融资情况的分析,试探性的提出了一些个人的看法和建议。




  Since the financial crisis in 2008, governments of all regions have establishedsuch companies focusing on financing as urban construction & investment company,trading company and company on water to drive domestic demand, improveinfrastructure and maintain growth of GDP. These companies are called governmentfinancing platforms. As these platforms develop for years, it makes muchcontribution to development of public facilities and public welfare projects. At thesame time, many problems are revealed to the public such as over debt, low incomefrom its business and dependent most on local finance to refund. According to theaudit results from National Audit Office, by the end of June in 2013, governments atall levels owe responsible debt of 20.69 trillion. Among them, the debt the localgovernments are liable to is 10'88 trillion, with the debt rate of 113.4%. Accordingto the prediction from the foreign financial institutions, real debt of the governmentmay be higher than the sum. Little negligence may bring financial risk to the wholenation. Until June, 2014, according to the statistical result from CBRC, the totalnumber of financing platforms at governments at all levels has exceeded 10thousand, among which financing platform at county level accounts for 60%. Howthe financing platforms develop in the following step---disappearing in the historystep by step or transforming successfully under the new policy of the government.

  Today, the economy growth slows down , as for how to solve great existingobligation, this paper proposes personal points of view and suggestions by analyzingdevelopment experience of local government's financing.

  This paper chooses a county-level financing platform in the southwest China,which is transforming to manage materialization. By all-round analysis of financialrisk, management risk and policy risk of the enterprise, the paper proposes concretesuggestions and measures to prevent risk for improving enterprise financingmanagement system in a better way. Management of financing system of financingplatform is key in whether it can transform successfully. Only by managingfinancing system and solving financial deficit of enterprise can enterprise shake offthe vicious circle of borrowing money to return the debt before and the enterprisehave more vigor to carry out transforming aim proposed by local government to theenterprise. It can also give reference and concrete measures for transforming offinancing platform in governments at other regions around the nation. Therefore, theaim proposed by the nation will be realized that the management-oriented societytransforms into service-oriented society.

  Keywords:Financing platform of local governments, Materialization of platformmanagement, Financing tool

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论…… 1

  1.1 研究的问题和背景 …… 1

  1.2 地方政府融资平台基本概念的界定及理论基础…… 2

  1.2.1 地方政府融资平台基本概念的界定 …… 2

  1.2.2 地方政府融资平台举债融资的理论基础及其合理性…… 2

  1.2.3 地方政府成立融资平台,通过融资平台融资的必要性…… 3

  1.3 研究的目标内容 …… 4

  1.4 论文的创新点 …… 5

  第 2 章 研究现状及国内外地方政府融资现状…… 6

  2.1 研究现状 …… 6

  2.2 国外地方政府融资概述 …… 8

  2.2.1 美国地方政府融资概述 …… 8

  2.2.2 日本地方政府融资概述 …… 11

  2.3 国内地方政府可以借鉴的经验 …… 13

  2.4 我国地方政府融资平台发展现状及存在的问题…… 15

  2.4.1 我国地方政府融资平台产生的原因 …… 15

  2.4.2 我国地方政府融资平台现状 …… 16

  2.4.3 地方政府融资平台的运作方式和融资方式 …… 17

  2.4.4 我国地方政府融资平台存在的问题及发展的方向…… 17

  第 3 章 兴市投资公司融资业务现状及问题分析…… 20

  3.1 兴市投资公司简介 …… 20

  3.2 兴市投资公司融资业务现状 …… 22

  3.3 兴市投资公司融资管理体系中存在的问题分析…… 25

  第 4 章 融资管理体系规范管理及风险防范的措施研究…… 27

  4.1 融资体系构成要素 …… 27

  4.2 融资工具优化管理 …… 28

  4.2.1 短融中票 PPN…… 28

  4.2.2 信托融资 …… 28

  4.2.3 公司债 …… 29

  4.2.4 公私合营模式(PPP) …… 29

  4.2.5 企业债 …… 29

  4.2.6 融资工具优化措施研究 …… 29

  4.3 融资成本和期限管理 …… 31

  4.4 融资结构管理 …… 31

  4.4.1 内源融资管理 …… 32

  4.4.2 外源融资管理 …… 32

  4.5 融资风险防范管理 …… 33

  4.5.1 企业融资面临的主要风险 …… 33

  4.5.2 防范融资风险的主要措施 …… 41

  第 5 章 研究结论及展望…… 45

  参考文献 …… 46

  后记和致谢…… 48
