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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-30 共1755字


  摘 要

  数字出版是近年来出版行业的新兴领域,是信息化飞速发展背景下所衍生出来的新型出版方式。随着互联网络的广泛应用,数字化出版物更加体现出了其便利性和普适性的特点,被越来越多的群体所接受,甚至逐渐形成一种新式的阅读习惯,大有将传统出版物取而代之的趋势。在这一形势下,数字出版物的发展不可小觑,甚至引发了出版行业具有划时代意义的数字革命。面对 21 世纪,出版企业要想获得新发展,必须重视发展数字出版领域。

  数字出版离不开网络,其出版物的营销也离不开网络。本文着重在于研究数字出版物的网络营销策略,探讨针对此类出版物的网络营销,国内外出版企业都有哪些方式值得参考和借鉴,以及这些网络营销策略的适用范围和类型。同时,结合河北冠林数字出版公司的出版营销成果和经验,对其市场条件进行 SWOT 分析,在此基础上进行市场细分和定位,并提出产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、品牌策略、版权保护策略等多方面的营销策略创新设计,借此总结出最适合企业的网络营销发展方向。


  关键词:数字出版 营销策略 网络 河北冠林数字出版公司


  As an emerging field of the publishing industry in recent years, digital publishing is anew publishing method derived from the rapid development of informatization. With theextensive use of the Internet, digital publications are being accepted by more and morecommunities for their convenience and universality. Because of the digital publications, evena new reading habit is formed gradually, which tends to replace the traditional publications.

  Under this circumstance, the development of digital publications deserves much emphasisand even triggered an epoch-making digital revolution in the publishing industry. In the 21stcentury, the only way for publishing enterprises to achieve new development is to attachimportance to the development of digital publishing.Internet is indispensable for both digital publishing and marketing of its publications.

  The paper focuses on study of E-marketing strategies for digital publications, explores waysboth domestic and foreign publishing enterprises used for E-marketing of such publicationsthat are worth using for reference, and the scope and type of those E-marketing strategies. Italso conducts SWOT analysis on market conditions of digital publishing by combining withpublishing marketing achievements and experience of Hebei Guanlin Digital Publishing Co.,Ltd. It includes market segmentation and positioning, and addresses innovative design ofsuch marketing strategies as product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, brand strategyand copyright protection strategy, thus to conclude the most suitable E-marketingdevelopment direction for enterprises.

  In the conclusion of this paper, it is recommended to adopt such product strategy thatdigital educational products are combined with ebooks, animation games and other products,apply high-quality, large-scale brand management, set moderate prices, scientifically managethe marketing channels, and enhance the awareness of digital copyright protection, thus totailor E-marketing scheme of digital publication for enterprises, and provide good designschemes and implementation suggestions for a large number of traditional publishingenterprises to complete transformation to developing digital publishing industry.

  Keywords: Digital Publishing, Internet, Marketing Strategy, Hebei Guanlin DigitalPublishing Co., Ltd.
