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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-30 共2582字




  而 SMK 公司是一家提供新能源大功率电流转换器件的核心供应商。并且SMK 公司拥有超过 60 年历史的德国企业。其产品主要用于风力发电、光伏发电、电动汽车等领域。在当前的竞争形势下,作为一家企业,需要更多的提高销售业绩,占领市场份额。在提高社会责任的前提下,赚取更多的利润。本文主要讨论在当前不断变化的市场形势下,SMK 的竞争对手也在不断的改进,其客户的需求也不断的提高,SMK 公司应如何应对当前形势,打造市场战略,并且,能够促进其市场策略的实施。


  在了解了以上信息以后,我们分析对新能源产品功率器件件的特性:大功率,可靠性要求高,使用寿命要求长达 20~30 年,产品和技术的研发全在国外。市场主要由欧系、美系和日系企业占领。基于这种产品特性、行业背景、和 SMK 公司的现状,对 SMK 公司的营销战略进行分析。包括,SMK 公司在中国的市场定位、功率器件在新能源市场的细分、SMK 公司的优势劣势以及主要竞争对手的分析。

  由此我们制定制定相应的 SMK 公司的市场策略。这从四个方面来进行,SMK公司的公司产品策略,SMK 公司价格策,SMK 公司渠道策略,SMK 公司促销策略。并由此制定相应的规划来保证此营销策略能得到较好的的实施,包括 CRM的完善,人员的培训和激励和考核等。在本文的最后,我们对此研究结果进行了展望。



  Energy is the lifeblood of any country, nearly a hundred years in the past years,the coal and fossil-fuel supporttted development of human society. However, with thedevelopment of industrialization and population increase in the number, the demandfor energy is increasing. Coal and fossil-fuel is non-renewable, and is no longer ableto meet the needs of human development. Therefore, the search for alternative energydevelopment needed for each country.

  SMK is a core supplier to provide new energy high-power current conversiondevices. And SMK has more than 60-year history of the German companies. Itsproducts are mainly used in the field of wind power, photovoltaic power generation,electric vehicles etc. In current competitive situation, SMK need increase sales andcapture more market share, to earn more profits as well as improve the socialresponsibility. This paper mainly discussed in today's changing market situation,while SMK’s competitors are constantly improved and the needs of customers arecontinuously enhanced. What should SMK to deal with the current situation, how tocreate market strategy, and how to promote its market implementation of the strategy.

  This paper first introduces the energy status and future direction of development,that is, the transition to a low-carbon green new energy direction. The world is wind,hydro, solar photovoltaic power generation, bio-power generation from fossil energyto move forward. This article describes the situation and development of the globaland China's new energy policy analysis, market forecasts. And business opportunitiesand threats under this situation.

  With above information, this paper analyzed the characteristics of the new energypower devices parts: high-power, high reliability, long service life up to 20 to 30 years,the research and development of products and technologies all in foreign. The marketis occupied by European, USA and Japanese companies currently. Based on thecharacteristics of the product, industry background, and the status quo of the SMKcompany's marketing strategy to analysis SMK Company's market position in China,the subdivision of the power devices in the new energy market, SMK company'sstrengths and weaknesses, as well as major competitors analysis.

  Thus, this paper develop the SMK company marketing strategies. From fouraspects to the SMK company's: product, price , channel and promotion. And makeplan to ensure this marketing strategy be implemented better, including CRM perfect,staff training and incentives and appraisal.At the end of this article, this paper outlooked our findings.

  Key Words: new energy; green energy; marketing strategy

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景及意义

  1.2 研究目标、内容及全文逻辑结构

  第二章 相关理论及文献综述

  2.1 新能源及新能源产业的概念

  2.2 新能源相关产业

  2.3 市场营销理论

  2.4 营销战略

  第三章 中国新能源产业的发展及现状分析

  3.1 中国新能源产业的发展

  3.2 中国新能源产业的现状分析

  3.3 中国新能源产业政策分析

  3.4 中国新能源产业预测

  第四章 基于新能源产业的政策的 SMK 中国营销战略研究

  4.1 SMK 公司企业简介

  4.2 SMK 中国的目标市场及定位

  4.2.1 新能源器件的特殊要求及行业特点

  4.2.2 新能源转换市场的细分

  4.2.3 SMK 公司的优势

  4.2.4 SMK 目标市场选择与定位

  第五章 SMK 公司营销组合策略

  5.1 SMK 公司产品策略

  5.2 SMK 公司价格策略

  5.3 SMK 公司渠道策略

  5.4 SMK 公司促销策略

  5.4.1 广告促销

  5.4.2 社会责任事件促销

  5.4.3 人员促销

  第六章 SMK 营销策略的实施

  6.1 完善 CRM 系统

  6.2 提高市场营销、技术支持人员的专业技能及素质

  6.3 加强激励和绩效考核制度

  6.4 加强与地方学校和研究机构的合作

  第七章 结论及研究展望

  7.1 结论及研究展望


