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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-01 共2013字


  摘 要



  但进入 2010 年,太平人寿也遭遇了发展瓶颈,市场份额没有明显提升,销售人力呈现下滑趋势,业绩增长压力越来越大。太平人寿公司的经营得失促使本文思考寿险企业的中高端市场个险营销策略问题。

  本文首先对文中运用的相关理论进行综述,然后介绍中国寿险行业的历史、现状和发展趋势,接下来对湖北寿险企业的营销策略进行分析总结。在此基础上,本文以太平人寿湖北分公司个险业务经营为案例,对其经营现状和内外部环境进行分析。最后,本文运用 STP 理论对太平人寿湖北分公司进行市场定位分析,运用 7Ps模型对公司未来的个险营销策略和经营举措提出建议。本文以中高端寿险市场为研究对象,具有一定的创新性,对寿险企业中高端市场开发具有一定的现实意义和参考价值。

  关键词:人寿保险 营销战略 中高端市场 市场细分


  As more further reforming of Chinese economic and social, the important position ofthe insurance industry in the national economy has been established, the openness ofinsurance market is rising, market supervision and regulation is more effective, rapidgrowing in Chinese insurance market. The size of Chinese life insurance market has beenmore larger than property insurance. But behind this prosperity, there are some problemsaffecting the development of chinses life insurance industry, such as inefficientmanagement, high cost of sales, etc.

  Taiping Life Insurance Co., Ltd. is relatively unique in the industry. Since itsinception, the personal business of Taiping Life Insurance Co.,Ltd has always insisted ona “three high” strategy, to build “three high” team of “high-ability, high-quality,high-performance”, and strive to become the best brand of the high-end life insurancemarket in China. After a period of time, Taiping Life Insurance Company has been aheadof the other company established in the same time, total annual premiums ranked seventh.

  In 2010, Taiping Life has suffered a bottleneck of the development, the increase of marketshare is not significantly. Considering the gains and losses of Taiping Life's operating,author of this article took a study on the high-end life insurance market strategy.

  At the first, this article reviews the use of relevant theory, and then describes thehistory and the status quo of Chinese life insurance industry. Next, this article takes ananalysing on the marketing strategy of life insurance comnapies in Hubei. Based on theprevious contents, this article takes a study on the case of Taiping Life Hubei branch.

  Finally, using the theory of STP and 7Ps, this article makes some recommendations aboutstrategy and business plan of Taiping Life Hubei branch. In this paper, studying on middleand high-end life insurance market, has certain innovative, there are some RealisticSignificance and a certain reference value in the development of life insurance companies.

  Keywords: Life Insuranc Marketing Strategy High-end MarketsMarketing Segmentation

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 引言

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究目的和意义

  1.3 研究方法与论文结构

  2 营销理论与方法综述

  2.1 STP 营销理论

  2.2 服务行业的 7Ps 策略

  3 中国寿险行业的历史、现状与发展趋势

  3.1 中国寿险行业的发展历史

  3.2 中国寿险行业市场现状

  3.3 中国寿险行业发展趋势

  4 湖北寿险企业发展现状和营销策略

  4.1 湖北寿险企业发展现状

  4.2 湖北市场寿险公司营销策略介绍

  5 太平人寿湖北分公司内外部环境分析

  5.1 太平人寿湖北分公司个险经营概况

  5.2 太平人寿湖北分公司外部环境分析

  5.3 太平人寿湖北分公司内部环境分析

  6 太平人寿湖北分公司中高端市场个险营销策略

  6.1 太平人寿湖北分公司 STP 分析

  6.2 中高端寿险市场个险营销策略规划

  6.3 中高端寿险市场个险营销策略实施举措


  致 谢

