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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-02-29 共2610字


  摘 要





  本论文通过证大光明城三期营销开盘准备的全过程,通过总结归纳了政策,竞品对位分析,项目自身及客户群体的优劣势分析,公司内部分析,公司品牌升级情况等方面,结合 MBA 课程所学的理论进行了有目的的总结。






  Real estate ten years, has been accompanied by the deepening of reform andopening up and the constant promotion of the urbanization, witnessed the rapiddevelopment of real estate of the hitherto unknown, the real estate market prosperity.

  All this for a practitioner is a challenge, face the market changes, enhance customerspecialization, market segmentation to develop marketing strategies, effective toseize the initiative, to win market share, is the key to a real estate marketing peopleembody self value lies.

  In the competition intense market competition, marketing decides theenterprise's success or failure in the very great degree. Many people are not clearabout the difference between “marketing” and “sales”, in a nutshell, marketing is theprocess, sales is the result.

  Under the current conditions, the real estate enterprises, facing the marketenvironment is more complicated, changeable. However, in the same marketenvironment, some real estate enterprise can grasp the nettle, can survive anddevelop in the face of adversity, sales and market share have made greatachievements; and some of the real estate business is in a difficult, or even difficult.

  The purpose of this paper is based on the changing marketing work content formany years and enrich the spirit and deep feeling responsible for the enterprise, toverify the idealcity project period, the two period effectively summarized, organizedthinking, summarize and analyze the customer attribute, customer demand, paraproduct functions, sales to the three period sales in early, mid, late sales plan andarrangement, to process control, process optimization, a clear purpose, the results ofthe purpose of cash.

  In this paper the whole process through the preparation of the card openingidealcity phase three, through marketing, summarizes the policy, competitivecounterpoint analysis, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the project itselfand groups of customers, the company internal analysis, company brand upgrade etc.,summarizes the purpose combined with MBA learning theory.

  In this paper, according to the related theories of real estate marketing, contactthe real estate in recent years, through reviewing the case analysis of real estatemarketing strategy correction characteristics associated with different rules. So inactual combat in better practice experience and expression of systematic statement,for the future in the face of the severe test of the market and team building,practitioners of depth examination significance.

  The paper from four aspects, first of all from the bluff grand city project locatesthe region market is briefly introduced, the characteristics and rules of marketawareness. The second is the combination of the whole process of project operationanalysis of policy, the competitors, the advantages and disadvantages of projectontology to determine the project positioning and strategy. The last is around themarketing costs and management method to organize project practically sales.


  real estate, project positioning, marketing planning

    目 录

  第 1 章 绪论…… 1

  1.1 选题背景 …… 1

  1.2 选题意义 …… 1

  1.3 研究内容 …… 2

  第 2 章 证大光明城三期房地产项目市场销售现状及环境分析 …… 3

  2.1 三期房地产项目的市场销售现状及问题…… 3

  2.2 房地产政策分析 …… 6

  2.3 竞争楼盘分析 …… 8

  2.4 证大光明城三期项目 SWOT 分析…… 9

  第 3 章 证大光明城三期目标客户选择和项目市场定位…… 14

  3.1 客群的市场细分 …… 14

  3.2 目标客户选择及特征分析 …… 15

  3.3 项目市场定位 …… 18

  第 4 章 证大光明城三期房地产项目市场销售方案…… 21

  4.1 年销售目标及分解 …… 21

  4.2 价格制定方案 …… 23

  4.3 广告宣传方案…… 27

  4.4 案场管理与激励方案 …… 32

  结 论 …… 37

  致 谢 …… 40
