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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-24 共3417字


  摘 要
  在中国社会行进到 21 世纪,进入新的发展时代后,社会各项工程建设项目,如雨后春笋般出现。其中,有很多关系到国计民生的重大项目。建设好这些重大项目,对于政府,企业,百姓,及新时期社会主义社会建设方面,都具有重大的意义。重大工程项目不是政府哪位领导可以主观噫定的,而是经过大量周密严谨的调研,以社会健康发展的客观规律为依据。调动社会力量保证重点建设,是国民经济中的大事,是国家和地区经济建设的重大战略性决策。在重大项目建设过程中,团队工作方式已经成为企业和其他组织生存和发展的必要手段。高效的,有战斗力的团队在企业经营活动中显示了强大的生命力。
  团队建设 有效沟通 廉洁防控
  In China society forward to twenty-first Century, entered the new developingera, various social engineering construction projects, such as bamboo shoots after aspring rain like appearance. Among them, there are many related to major projectsbeneficial to the people's livelihood. The construction of these major projects, forgovernment, enterprise, respect people, the construction of socialist society and thenew period, it is of great significance. Major projects are not government whichleader can be subjective GEE fixed, but after careful investigation of a large numberof forbidden, to the objective law of the healthy development of society as the basis.
  To mobilize social forces to ensure key construction, the national economy is amajor event, is a major strategic decision of economic development of the countryand area. The construction of major projects in the process, team work has become anecessary means of enterprise and other organization's survival and development.
  Efficient, effective fighting team has shown strong vitality in the enterprise businessactivities. The team itself to efficiency, effectiveness and other factors andcommunication depends largely on the internal team members. The projectmanager's own quality, level, coordination ability, personal qualities, clean degree, iscrucial to the success of the project effect.
  Choose a high comprehensive quality, management ability of the projectmanager, is a major engineering project can achieve the basic successful work. Unitsvery much the key engineering projects, forming a complex project organizationdeconstruction, each unit has different interest demands. How to enable the partiescoordinated, concerted effort to complete the project tasks, need to do a good job ofproject management in communication and coordination. From the point of view ofthe complexity of the project, the project of major projects, due to the need forcoordination of the workload is very large, covered a wide range of topics. If you donot give project managers greater authority, is unable to effectively carry out a seriesof work. At the beginning of the year respectively determine enterprise output value,construction schedule management mechanism and quality inspection methods, thedetailed rules for the supervision of production safety, management system ofrewards and penalties of annual specific goals. Only set the effective communicationofwork objectives, it with considerable efforts and actions, and constantlycorrection and adjustment methods of work, formulate the correspondingperformance and human resource management measures, in order to create a greatcombat effectiveness, unity of efficient work team. China's major projectconstruction process, all levels and aspects of corruption and illegal operationbehavior. The reasons that cause these adverse phenomenon is banned repeatedlymore than, is honest and control mechanism of internal management team is notperfect, or laws, lax enforcement of the law. Many management system exists inname only, not to play its due role. Corruption containment, related to the keyproject of the smooth completion of the project, related to the quality of constructionproject is the company's reputation and survival. Therefore, in the projectmanagement of major projects, we must increase the punishment of the black sheep,the corruption was not rot, not rot, not want to rot. In the running process of themanagement team, but also to establish a sound internal clean prevention and controlmechanisms to prevent and punish corruption, making the team for projectmanagement to develop healthy and orderly. Have such a team, in order to betterheart thinks toward one place, make an effort to put the construction of majorprojects to good.
  team building effective communication clean prevention and control

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景与研究意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外相关研究现状
  1.3 研究内容与研究方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 主要创新
  第 2 章 我国重大工程项目管理团队现状概述
  2.1 我国重大工程项目现状
  2.1.1 重大工程项目的定义
  2.1.2 在建国家级重大工程实例
  2.1.3 建设国家重点工程项目的意义
  2.2 我国重大工程项目管理团队现状及问题分析
  2.2.1 项目总体存在的主要问题
  2.2.2 .管理团队出现的问题
  2.2.2 管理团队具体矛盾分析
  第 3 章 重大工程项目管理团队建设与完善的方法
  3.1 重视项目经理的选派
  3.1.1 项目经理的重要性
  3.1.2 项目经理应具备的素质
  3.2 项目管理团队的组织与运作
  3.2.1 项目目标管理
  3.2.2 管理团队班子建设
  3.2.3 团队沟通与协调
  3.2.4 团队绩效管理
  3.2.5 团队授权管理
  3.2.6 建立廉洁防控机制
  第 4 章 实例分析: 南水北调中线河北至北京段工程项目中的管理团队
  4.1 南水北调中线工程项目简介
  4.2 A 公司简介
  4.3 南水北调工程中线北京段管理团队建设具体实施方案
  4.4 南水北调工程中线北京段管理团队建设实施方案的效果
  结 论
  致 谢