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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-31 共2785字


  摘 要





  关键词:农民工;就业培训;Logit 模型;意愿ABSTRACT

  Combining with the theoretical analysis and statistical analysis method among Shangqiu’smigrant workers, we analyzed the current situation of employment training, the existingproblems and the demand of the rural migrant workers. In the process of research, weestablished the overall framework of analysis, and obtained some useful results from thetheoretical analysis and empirical data which would provide some useful reference for thegovernment to ammonite the training of migrant workers.

  To be more specific, this article mainly focuses on the government and the rural migrantworkers of Shangqiu. On one side,we analyzed the performance and the existing problems ofthe goverment as the supplier of employment training;on the other side,we investigated thesatisfaction,demands and willingness of the migrant workers as the demander of employmenttraining. After a brief description of Shangqiu’s human geography and social economicconditions, this paper explained three current successful implementation of the migrantworkers employment training project, which are " Green certificate project"," The nationalskills promotion project "and "sunshine project" separately. After that, we found someproblem in current training project, including multi-sectorial coordination problem, theproblem of inadequate financing and inappropriate way. This paper also made a descriptivestatistics on the migrant works’ understanding and demands of training with questionnairesurvey and analyzed the main factors influencing the willingness of migrant workers toparticipate in skills training combined with regression model.

  The empirical result shows: ①Migrant workers has very strong willingness to participatein the skills training, and improve labor skills through training. ②The gender and previoustraining experience have no directly impact on the willingness of the migrant workers toparticipate in training. ③Marriage, level of education, years of work experience, weeklyworking hours and the training situation of migrant workers’ relatives and friends havesignificantly positive effects on the willingness of the migrant workers to participate intraining. ④ The effect of age is positive from the beginning and then negative on the trainingwillingness of the migrant workers. ⑤Different industry influence the training wishes tovarying degrees according to the different carrers. ⑥With the increase of income, thedemand for skills training of migrant workers goes higher sharply.

  Finally, according to the results of theoretical and empirical analysis on the above, wefound and analyzed the prominent problems that exist in the employment training ofShangqiu’s migrant workers. Also, we  put forward a series of relevant policy suggestions,which include the perfecting policy guarantee system, building a long-term employmenttraining mechanism, integrating the education resources, promoting the flexibility of thetraining patterns and so on.

  KEY WORDS: Migrant Workers; Employment Training; Logit Model; Willingness

    第一章 导论

    1.1  研究背景

  1.2  研究意义

  1.3  国内外研究综述

  1.3.1 国外研究现状

  1.3.2  国内研究现状

  1.3.3  国内外研究评述

  1.4  理论依据

  1.4.1  人力资本投资理论

  1.4.2  马斯洛的需求层次理论

  1.5  研究方法

  1.6  本文创新点

  第二章 商丘市农民工就业培训现状

  2.1 商丘市概况

  2.1.1  地理区划

  2.1.2  经济发展现状

  2.2 农民工就业培训的基本类型

  2.2.1  政府参与农民工就业培训现状

  2.2.2  企业参与农民工就业培训现状

  2.2.3  农民工就业培训的方式

  2.3  农民工参与就业培训的基本情况

  2.3.1  调研情况

  2.3.2  调研地的描述性统计

  2.3.3  问卷的基本情况描述性统计

  2.4  农民工接受就业培训效果

  2.4.1  整体情况

  2.4.2  满意度

  第三章 农民工就业培训需求的模型分析

  3.1  农民工就业培训需求

  3.1.1  对培训内容的需求

  3.1.2  对培训方式的需求

  3.1.3  对培训地点的需求

  3.2 影响农民工就业培训需求的因素

  3.2.1 影响农民工就业培训的因素

  3.2.2  影响因素分析的模型基础

  3.3  农民工参与就业培训的实证

  3.3.1  数据说明

  3.3.2  模型检验结果

  第四章 农民工就业培训中存在的问题

  4.1  多重因素阻碍了农民工参加技能培训

  4.2  政府对就业培训的认识不足

  4.3  培训资金不足及使用不够科学

  4.4  培训监督的制度不够完善

  第五章 提升农民工就业培训水平的政策建议

  5.1  完善政策保障体系

  5.2 构建长效培训机制

  5.3  整合培训资源

  5.4  促进灵活办学


  致 谢
