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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-22 共3985字











  Pre-service teachers' practical ability training is both a traditional and a new topic. Thetraditional pre-service teacher's training is mainly composed of school education, interspersedwith internships and other practical activities to improve their practical ability. In recent years,there have been many studies on pre-service education, but various difficulties that pre-serviceteachers face after they take teaching positions still get no improvement. The poor cooperationbetween pre-service teachers, the limitation of the tutorial system, and the lack of practicalcourses in school education will seriously affect the development of pre-service teachers. How toreform in colleges and universities to promote the development of pre-service teachers' practicalability has become an urgent problem. Social constructivism is a growing and graduallyimproving theory, the views such as the cooperative interaction, learning community andfocusing on situations have a guiding and referential significance to the training of pre-serviceteachers. Therefore, the study attempts to use the social constructivism as theoretical tool,focusing on the practical ability of pre-service teachers, to explore how to update and reformteacher's training system in the current school education, in order to enhance the development ofpre-service teachers'practical ability and comprehensive quality.

  The first part is the study of theoretical basis. It generalizes the social constructivist theory,then introduces the origins and development of social constructivism, interprets the teachingideas and describes its key points and teaching patterns, so as to provide a theoretical basis toanalyze and solve the problems below.

  The second part is a summary of pre-service teachers' practical ability. Firstly, it elaborateson the classification, characteristic and forming process of the pre-service teacher's practicalability. In addition, it points out that teachers' practical ability not only contains teachingdimension, but also include such as the moral character and personal quality, which is a processof constantly engaging in the community activities, reflecting on and reconstructing. Therefore,not only it indicates the large role that reflection plays in the process of pre-service teachers'

  training, but also points out the basic approach to the training of pre-srevice teachers' practicalability.

  This study in the third chapter examines the current training of pre-service teachers'

  practical ability through interviews and literature, and analyzes the problems from theperspective of social constructivism. Many novice teachers and students were selected asinterview subjects, and the three most representative teachers were selected for detail interviews.

  The study summarizes the influence factors of current pre-service teachers' practical ability, andanalyzes the present problems in the practical training of pre-service teachers based on socialconstructivism theory framework.

  The fourth chapter of this study bases on the perspective of social constructivism, putforward the strategy of pre-service teachers' practical ability training, which contains curriculum,system, implement and teachers troop. Firstly, we should pay attention to teachers' individualexperience and develop their teaching skills in the practical courses; Secondly, we can increasethe comprehensive curriculum to broaden their general knowledge; And then, governments havea duty to set up the system to guarantee the pre-service teachers' practical ability training;Fourthly, it can establish archives and update the inspection appraisal system, and also exploreand break through the tutorial system; What's more, it is necessary to establish practice bases, sothat we can accelerate the gradient development of pre-service teachers' practical ability; At last,teachers should create learning communities and go through the cooperation of zone of proximaldevelopment, in order to cultivate reflective teachers.

  Finally, the research points out the creative process and the shortage of this study, and looksforward for further research in the future.

  Key words: social constructivist theory, pre-service teacher, Practical ability




  引言…… 1

  一、研究的缘起及意义…… 1

  (一)研究的缘起…… 1

  (二)研究意义…… 2

  二、文献综述…… 3

  (一)国外相关研究情况…… 3

  (二)国内相关研究情况…… 5

  三、研究思路…… 8

  四、研究方法…… 9

  第一章 社会建构主义的理论概述…… 10

  一、社会建构主义的产生与发展…… 10

  (一)早期先哲思想…… 10

  (二)建构主义发展的近代萌芽…… 10


  二、社会建构主义的教学思想解读…… 13

  (一)社会建构主义的主要观点…… 13

  (二)社会建构主义的教学模式…… 15

  第二章 职前教师实践能力概述…… 17

  一、相关概念界定…… 17

  (一)职前教师…… 17

  (二)实践能力…… 17

  (三)教师实践能力与实践性知识…… 18

  二、职前教师实践能力的分类构成…… 19

  (一)有关教学维度的能力…… 19

  (二)有关教师自身发展维度的能力…… 19

  三、教师实践能力的特点…… 20

  (一)差异性…… 20

  (二)发展性…… 20

  (三)实践性…… 21

  (四)情境性…… 21

  四、职前教师实践能力的形成过程…… 21

  (一)职前教师教育教学取向的能力形成…… 21

  (二)职前教师自身发展取向的能力形成…… 23

  第三章 社会建构主义视角下职前教师实践能力培养的考察与问题分析…… 24

  一、职前教师实践能力培养的考察…… 24

  二、社会建构主义视角下职前教师实践能力培养存在的问题…… 31

  (一)对情境关注度的缺乏…… 31

  (二)师徒制模式中的缺陷与受限…… 31

  (三)对学习共同体的忽视…… 32

  (四)片面的反思式学习…… 33

  第四章 社会建构主义视角下职前教师实践能力的培养策略…… 35

  一、创设多元化课程…… 35

  (一)关注个体体验,在实践性课程中发展教学能力…… 35

  (二)融合综合课程,拓宽职前教师通识知识的广度…… 36

  二、完善制度建设…… 36

  (一)职前教师实践能力培养的制度支撑…… 36

  (二)建立跟踪档案,更新考核评价体系…… 37

  三、优化教育实践活动…… 37

  (一)从知识传递到全面参与:师徒制的探索与突破…… 37

  (二)建立实践基地:促进职前教师实践能力梯度发展…… 38

  四、加强教师队伍建设…… 39

  (一)创设学习共同体:跨越最近发展区的合作之路…… 39

  (二)反思:知识积累与人格塑造的生成机制…… 40

  结语…… 42

  参考文献…… 47

  致谢…… 51
