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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-12 共3679字


  摘 要:自 19 世纪 80 年代以来,我国大学校友一直被认为是一种重要的智力、信息、人力以及公共关系等资源,在此基础上发展的大学校友文化是高校长期积淀和创造的物质、制度和精神财富,也是校园文化的重要组成部分。大学校友文化的价值也随着高等教育的发展而显得愈加重要。因而,大学校友文化的培育研究有着重要的理论意义和实践意义。




  Abstract: Since the 1880 s, our university alumni has long been regarded as a kindof important intelligence, information, human resources and public relations.And onthe basis of the development of the university alumni culture is the long-termaccumulation of colleges and universities and the creation of material, institutionaland spiritual wealth.In addition ,this is also an important part of campus culture. Withthe development of higher education, the value of our university alumni cultureappear more and more important.Therefore, the university alumni culture research hasimportant theoretical meaning and practical meaning.

  According to the previous research , the university alumni range is not clear andcarry on a more thorough discussion.They believe that all the students who study ininstitutions of higher learning in the past and because of the need in the work ofteachers, administrators, and is closely related to the development of higher schoolsand make a significant contribution to the staff for the college alumni.The currentproblems in the cultivation of alumni culture embodied in: First, the misunderstandingof university alumni cultural existence significance of alumni culture in theconstruction of campus culture marginalized, alumni culture development is mainly inorder to raise funds, Alma mater that alumni culture is alumni self-actualization needs,cultural development is a long history or school; Second, university alumni cultureoperation mechanism is not perfect, performance for the university alumni teamculture to carry out the lack of stable and orderly, university alumni culture has nofixed capital and ample funds supply do guarantee; Third, the university and thegovernment's construction of university alumni culture lack of effective guidance,embodied in the universities and colleges in our country did not form the value ofalumni culture tradition, relevant government department managers of the universityalumni culture view, etc.University of alumni culture on alumni donations are to broaden the way ofeducation funds in colleges and universities.In addition, this is the Alma mater schoolalumni resources such as supplementary dominant value has been paid great attentionby people, and on alumni hidden part of the cultural values are often marginalized.

  University alumni culture recessive value in higher education to realize the process ofcultivating goal, plays a very important role, the recessive value is shown as:university alumni culture can enrich content of university spirit, enhance learningrelationship, concentrate the power of alumni, etc.Articles on ways to grow universityalumni culture from three aspects of the system, alumni and the Almamater, put forward the path that health should be in his Alma mater for alumni culturenurtured by the soil, in the university alumni for seeds, based on system of alumniculture nurtured by the sunlight and moisture, the tripartite main body to cooperatewith each other, coordinate with each other, and learn the foreign university alumniculture breeding experience, play to university alumni culture “soft power” to promoteour alumni culture cultivation work continuously and effectively.And the power of thefusion of alumni, consolidate the value of alumni resources, promote culturaluniversity alumni in the status of the development in colleges and universities.

  Key words: University alumni;Culture;Value;Cultivating

  目 录

  摘要 ……I

  Abstract ……II

  第一章 绪论……1

  一、 研究背景……1

  二、 研究目的……1

  三、 研究意义……1



  四、 相关研究现状……2








  第二章 大学校友文化相关概念的界定及其理论基础 …… 8











  第三章 大学校友文化的价值……16











  第四章 我国大学校友文化建设的现状分析……24










  第五章 我国大学校友文化的培育……34















  第六章 结语……45


