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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-18 共3388字


  摘 要


  本研究基于以上思考,通过问卷调查、实地调查、个案分析等形式,以目击者的视角,运用场域的方法论,了解了 Y 小学女性教师领导力提升的学校场域环境,认为学校环境场域能影响女性教师领导的专业特质,领导力行为的产生受制于人际关系,在充满合作、民主、融洽的教师氛围中,女性教师领导力更适宜生成;其提升动机来自于专业自主,行政角色的赋予推动女性教师领导力动机发展。


  第二部分是三、四两章,分析 Y 小学的学校环境探索女性教师领导力提升的组织场域;呈现以 M 老师为代表的 10 位女性教师领导力实施的专业特质,并发现女性教师领导力与教师群体领导力相交叉,女性特色体现不明确,与优秀女性教师相比,普通女性教师领导力提升难度大等问题。





  Along with the advancement of elementary education reform and teacher professionaldevelopment, female teachers are full participation in decision-making, and they make use oftheir knowledge, ability and emotion form a positive and comprehensive influence onstudents, peers and school, which becomes the thinking and practical issue for educationalresearch, especially in the primary school education system in our country. Female teachersare absolutely dominance in the context of social culture and specific education. Femaleteachers'leadership and the difficulty on how to promote it, which is the practical and feasiblestrategies for most female teachers and a series of problems are highlighted.

  Based on the above thought, through the questionnaire survey, field investigation, caseanalysis and other forms, in the perspective of witnesses, using the methodology of field, thisstudy focus on the school of the Y primary school female teachers improve leadership fieldenvironment, presents the 10 women represented by M teacher'professional qualities in termsof leadership, and truly completes the ground showing the female teachers' leadership, formany a line of female teachers some relevant suggestions.

  This paper mainly studied the contents including the following four aspects: first of all,this part are the main introduction and literature review with chapter One and Two, whichmainly presents the reason of this study, include the research significance, research design anddefining the relevant core concepts furthermore domestic and international current research.

  The second parts are chapter Three and Four. The two chapters describe the schoolenvironment of Y primary and explore female teachers' leadership improving organizationalbackground from those aspects of school situation, system, culture, and the principalleadership style. And then Secondly, render the represented by M the teacher of grade 3mathematics group of 10 female teachers professional qualities, including the personalitytraits, leadership motivation, role and influence.

  The following part is chapter Five, which is centered on female teachers' leadershipstrategies and suggestions. Through leading and autonomy, female teachers' leadershipascension to refer to the specific school in the special field environment,with reference tosocial system theory point of view. Namely,improve female teachers' leadership, and takeaccount of the values, norms, organizational environment, and the character. Therefore,female teachers' leadership is a school-based task for adjusting measures to local conditions,rather than “one size fits all”. Female teacher leadership behavior does not automaticallyproduce; need school system to provide adequate nourishment.

  The final part is the conclusion, which summarizes this study reveals the femaleteachers'leadership promotion strategy, and future prospects.

  Keywords: female teachers'leadership; school environment; disciplinary matrix;leadingand autonomy

    目 录

  摘 要……I

  Abstract…… II

  目 录……III

  第一章 绪论……1

  1.1 研究缘起……1

  1.2 研究意义……2

  1.2.1 理论意义……2

  1.2.2 实践意义……2

  1.3 研究设计……2

  1.3.1 研究目的……2

  1.3.2 研究方法……3

  1.3.3 研究过程……4

  1.4 核心概念界定……6

  1.4.1 小学教育……6

  1.4.2 小学女性教师……6

  1.4.3 教师领导力……6

  1.4.4 女性教师领导力……7

  1.4.5 女性教师专业学习社群……7

  1.4.6 引领与自主……7

  第二章 研究综述……8

  2.1 领导力的研究综述……8

  2.1.1 国外关于领导力的研究综述……8

  2.1.2 国内关于领导力的研究综述……9

  2.2 教师领导力的研究综述……10

  2.2.1 教师领导力的概念研究……10

  2.2.2 教师领导力兴起原因的研究……11

  2.2.3 教师领导力的特质研究……11

  2.2.4 教师领导力提升策略的研究……12

  2.3 女性领导力的研究……12

  2.3.1 国外关于女性领导力的研究……13

  2.3.2 国内关于女性领导力的研究……13

  2.4 女性教师领导力的研究……14

  2.5 已有研究的简要概述……15

  第三章 女性教师领导力提升的学校场域分析--以 Y 小学为例……17

  3.1 Y 小学的基本面貌……17

  3.1.1 基本概述……17

  3.1.2 组织框架……17

  3.1.3 学校蓝图:办学设想与奋斗目标……18

  3.1.4 学校的研习制度……18

  3.2 Y 小学的文化特点……20

  3.2.1 Y 小学的文化环境现状……20

  3.2.2 Y 小学的领导力现状……21

  3.2.3 Y 小学的合作环境缺失……22

  3.2.4 Y 小学的教师间竞争激烈……24

  3.3 S 校长的领导力…… 25

  3.3.1 S 校长干实事…… 26

  3.3.2 S 校长事必躬亲…… 27

  3.3.3 S 校长的改进之处…… 27

  3.4 Y 小学教师领导力实施的场域调查……28

  3.4.1 学校环境下各权力场域的关系……28

  3.4.2 女性教师所在的位置与学校场域的资本形式……29

  3.4.3 Y 小学的学校文化与女性教师的传统……29

  第四章 女性教师领导力提升的专业特质--以 M 老师为例……30

  4.1 M 老师的专业特质与人格特质……30

  4.1.1 M 老师的个人经历……30

  4.1.2 M 老师的自主发展之路……31

  4.1.3 M 老师的人格魅力……32

  4.2 M 老师领导力提升的动机……33

  4.2.1 自我定位来源于强烈的责任心……33

  4.2.2 自我重视与领导认知的冲突……33

  4.2.3 个人行为与群体氛围的冲突……33

  4.3 M 老师领导力提升的环境……34

  4.3.1 环境赋予女性教师的权力……34

  4.3.2 女性教师的人际关系……36

  4.4 M 老师的角色引领与示范作用……38

  4.4.1 样板课的作用……38

  4.4.2 教研活动的负责人……39

  4.4.3 初任教师的导师……40

  4.4.4 日常工作场景下的非正式领导……41

  第五章 提升小学女性教师领导力的策略……43

  5.1 规范层面上的女性教师领导力提升……43

  5.1.1 激励制度是女性教师领导力提升的重要引擎……43

  5.1.2 补偿制度是女性教师领导力提升的坚强后盾……44

  5.2 组织环境层面上的女性教师领导力提升……44

  5.2.1 组织开放、融合、多元的学校文化环境……44

  5.2.2 突破“玻璃天花板”效应……45

  5.3 角色层面上的女性教师领导力提升……46

  5.3.1 女性教师自身之可为策略……46

  5.3.2 女性教师专业学习社群的重要作用……49

  5.3.3 轮流承担领导职责是提升女性教师领导力水平的重要手段……51

  第六章 结语……52

  6.1 结论……52

  6.2 展望……52


