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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-08 共2190字


  摘 要



  关键词:移动保险 移动电子商务 无线终端 移动互联网


  The rapid development of mobile Internet and the popularity of wirelessterminals, bring opportunities for the development of the insurance industry at thesame time, also poses a great challenge. At present, various insurance companies haverealized that using mobile information technology can improve the service quality ofinsurance company, improve the market competitiveness of the company. Who betterto the mobile information technology used in insurance services, the ancestors step,break traditional innovation in customer service, who can get the favour of customers,to win the market. So, the mobile insurance, so as to promote the healthy developmentof mobile insurance science, for any insurance company and the whole insuranceindustry, has very important practical significance.

  At first, this paper expounds the connotation of mobile insurance and insuranceof our country mobile development present situation, and then USES the qualitativeanalysis, case analysis, combined the theory of practice and other analysis methods,the development of mobile insurance were analyzed at a deeper level, on the basis ofthis puts forward the problems existing in the process of China's mobile insurance:

  insurance company investment in technology and lack of emphasis, imperfectinfrastructure, lack of publicity; Insurance product itself is planted adaptability is notstrong, paper co., LTD., the terms of the contract delivery problems of the insurancepolicy and the legal effect of electronic policy; Law vacancy and the lag ofsupervision system, finally based on the above factors put forward the correspondingcountermeasures, and on this basis, the outlook on the future prospects of thedevelopment of mobile insurance in our country.

  Key Words: Mobile insurance Mobile electronic commerce wireless terminalmobile internet

    目 录

  摘 要


  1 引言

  1.1 移动保险的内涵 1

  1.1.1 移动保险的概念

  1.1.2 移动保险的特点

  1.1.3 移动保险的运行模式

  1.2 研究背景和意义

  1.2.1 研究背景

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 移动保险文献综述

  1.4 研究思路与方法

  1.5 本文创新点

  2 我国移动保险发展的必要性和可行性分析

  2.1 国外移动保险发展现状

  2.2 移动保险的优势

  2.2.1 应用 IT 技术,提高销售效率

  2.2.2 通过移动终端,提高理赔时效

  2.2.3 简化流程,降低经营成本

  2.2.4 丰富客户服务,提高客户满意度和忠诚度

  2.2.5 通过“移动”业务,提升市场竞争力

  2.3 我国移动保险发展的必要性

  2.3.1 移动电子商务发展空间巨大

  2.3.2 我国保险业发展潜力巨大

  2.4 我国移动保险发展的可行性

  2.4.1 降低社会成本的需求驱动

  2.4.2 混业经营的金融发展趋势

  2.4.3 移动终端的快速发展

  2.4.4 法律支持电子签名法

  3 我国移动保险发展现状及影响因素分析

  3.1 我国移动保险发展现状

  3.1.1 移动营销平台

  3.1.2 移动理赔服务

  3.2 影响我国移动保险发展的因素分析

  3.2.1 保险公司的重视程度不足

  3.2.2 国民的保险意识不强

  3.2.3 移动信息技术存在使用障碍和技术风险

  3.2.4 险种有限,保险合同同款及介质的适应性不强

  3.2.5 法律空缺,监管制度滞后

  4 推动我国移动保险发展的建议和对策

  4.1 保险公司自身的改革

  4.1.1 推进保险企业内部资源整合

  4.1.2 实现新型的营销管理

  4.1.3 注重员工的技术培训

  4.2 推进科技创新,提高客户对移动保险的认可性

  4.3 各部门间相互配合,完善基础设施建设

  4.4 完善移动保险的监管体系

  4.4.1 建立配套的保险监管体系

  4.4.2 保险监管当局的监管政策

  4.4.3 对移动保险信息技术安全的监管

  4.4.4 对移动保险业务管理安全的监管

  4.5 推广安全认证系统,提高移动支付的安全性

  4.5.1 提高移动支付的安全性

  4.5.2 建立和完善技术措施,强化身份认证机制

  4.5.3 完善手机投保流程

  4.6 制定强有力的保险法律

  5 总结与展望

  5.1 总结

  5.2 未来展望


  致 谢
