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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-08 共2704字


  摘 要




  关键词:新型农村社会养老保险 存在问题 启示 对策建议


  In recent years, the aging of the population to enter the peak period, attractingmore and more attention. The aging of the population is the inevitable result ofeconomic and social development, the economic and social development will beproduced the opposite results. In western developed countries, the aging of thepopulation has caused tremendous influence to political stability, economicdevelopment and social progress. China also have the challenge of population agingbefore getting rich countries. The rural population in China accounts for the vastmajority, how to deal with the influence aging of the population bring on theeconomic, social, political will have influence on our country modernization tosome extent.

  We have began the exploration of rural endowment insurance on China in mideightieth Century, because of the design of the system cannot meet the actual needs, isblocked in the implementation process .It is difficult to achieve. At the beginning ofthe ninety's select pilot areas, our country gradually established a complete set of ruralsocial endowment insurance system .With the reform opening up, theurbanization, the implementation of family planning policy and the weakening offamily pension function, "four two one" family is become more and more. For ruralpeople, land output rate decreased year by year, so that they have to be forced tochange a dream that formed tens of years ago. At present, China'srural old-age problem is still serious and urgent problem for the social security.

  This article from to help rural residents to properly handle the problem ofendowment insurance knowledge point of view, have learned during the period ofschool, on the basis of previous research, comparing the domestic andforeign insurance development course ,extensive reading books, appeared from theaspects of the implementation of Chinese new rural social endowmentinsurance system analyzes the problems in the finally, respectively, from the laws andregulations, support, ideas and supervision mechanism are put forward in accordancewith the actual situation of China's policy recommendations , so that the new ruralsocial pension insurance system more perfect, more perfect in the two aspects of thebreadth and depth . It is very important to make more farmers to have a wonderful lifewhen they become old.

  Key Words: new rural social pension insurance fundamental functionscountermeasure


  摘 要


  1 前言

  1.1 研究的背景和意义

  1.1.1 研究的背景

  1.1.2 研究的意义

  1.2 国内外研究综述

  1.2.1 国内研究文献综述

  1.2.2 国外研究文献综述

  1.3 研究的内容与方法

  1.3.1 研究内容

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 研究的主要创新与不足

  1.4.1 创新之处

  1.4.2 不足之处

  2 我国新型农村社会养老保险制度实践探索

  2.1 我国新型农村社会养老保险制度产生的背景

  2.2 新型农村社会养老保险基本内涵

  2.3 我国新型农村养老保险的试点历程

  2.3.1 “老农保”时期(1986 年-2002 年)

  2.3.2 “新农保”探索试点阶段(2003 年-2008 年)

  2.3.3 “新农保”形成阶段(2009 年-至今)

  2.4 我国新型农村社会养老保险制度的基本功能

  2.4.1 经济功能

  2.4.2 社会功能

  3 我国新型农村社会养老保险制度运行状况及存在的问题

  3.1 我国新型农村社会养老保险制度运行的特点

  3.1.1 国家统筹与地方自理并行

  3.1.2 政府补贴与个人缴费并举

  3.2 我国新型农村社会养老保险试点取得的成就

  3.2.1 参保范围逐年扩大

  3.2.2 参保人数快速提高

  3.2.3 基金收入直线上升

  3.3 我国新型农村社会养老保险制度存在的问题

  3.3.1 法律法规不健全,制度缺乏稳定性

  3.3.2 制度设计有弊端,导致公平性不足

  3.3.3 政府扶持力度小,农保保障水平低

  3.3.4 思想观念陈旧化,农保进行不顺利

  3.3.5 监管机制不完善,缺乏有效监督

  4 国外农村社会养老保险制度介绍及其对我国的启示

  4.1 国外成功农村社会养老保险基本制度的代表

  4.1.1 “现收现付制”养老保险制度的代表——德国

  4.1.2 “福利型”养老保险制度的代表——瑞典

  4.1.3 “强制储蓄型”养老保险制度的代表——新加坡

  4.2 国外农村社会养老保险制度对我国的启示

  4.2.1 建立健全相关法律法规

  4.2.2 发挥政府主导作用,缩小贫富差距

  4.2.3 大力发展农村经济,拓宽资金来源渠道

  4.2.4 制度选择应该从实际国情出发,实事求是

  5 完善我国新型农村社会养老保险制度的对策建议

  5.1 增强农村养老保险制度的稳定性

  5.2 优化农村养老保险制度的公平性

  5.3 提高农村社会养老保险制度的保障水平

  5.4 强化农民的社会养老保险意识

  5.5 健全农村社会养老保险基金监管机制

  6 结束语

