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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-15 共4331字


  摘 要



  本文依据保监会与科技部先后两次颁布的 15 项险种特征将其分为高新技术企业研发成果类、高新技术企业经营环境类、高新技术企业员工保障类和高新技术企业社会责任类四种业务类型,进而深入探索科技保险运行原则、运行模式以及运行机制。


  基于现有数据,本文利用 DEA 模型对首批科技保险试点城市实施效果进行简要测算。对于实施效果评价指标的选择,实施的结果主要体现为首批试点城市(区)科技保险投保企业数、科技保险投保金额、企业参与科技保险缴纳保费总额;实施的行为主要表现为首批试点城市(区)政府财政补贴科技保险总额、政府针对某一险种规定的财政补贴最高比例、科技保险出险理赔数以及出险后赔付金总额。关于绩效指标的测量方法,采用结果评定和行为评定。由于试点城市(区)科技保险实施是一个复杂的过程,能够收集的数据信息非常有限,因此可以将其看作灰色系统,运用 DEA 模型对其实施效果进行分析。DEA 测算结果表明北京、武汉、重庆、苏州高新区的科技保险实施绩效相对较好,天津和深圳的科技保险实施绩效相对较差。





  To avoid the high-tech enterprises which meet in the innovative activities of scienceand technology of risk and insurance the resulting technology .It can be understood as,the enterprise technology innovation activities related to tangible or intangibleproperty, human resources, the economy of the third party shall bear the liability forcompensation and innovation results are expected to be insurance. When policyholder insurance contract agreed by the accident happened, he was lost, then theunderwriter according to the agreed payment of the insurance benefits.

  The types of insurance of our country science and technology in the early stages, itis less, so it is insufficient to the needs of the share, transfer of technology risk.Science and technology insurance not only has the traditional insurance riskdiversification and the basic function of risk compensation, but also has derivedsavings funds according to their own characteristics and risk supervision function.

  High-tech enterprise of science and technology in the operation of the insurance,insurance companies, government departments three main dominant, while theinvolvement of the third parties also plays an important role. From two aspects ofsupply and demand analysis, high and new technology enterprise with an insurancecompany restricted influence each other; Analysis from the aspects of security,government always play a back support strength.

  Based on existing data, this paper applies DEA model to the first pilot city scienceand technology insurance briefly measure implementation effect. Specific to the pilotcity in terms of insurance work of science and technology, the implementation of theresults of the main body first pilot cities technology for insurance companies, theinsurance amount insured, enterprises to participate in the total amount of pay ofinsurance premium of science and technology; Behavior are mainly on theimplementation of the first pilot cities government subsidies coverage of science andtechnology, government subsidies for a danger is planted rules ratio, the number ofscience and technology insurance accident claims, and paid the total amount after beor get out of danger. About performance indicators of measuring methods, the use ofevaluation results evaluation and behavior. Because of the pilot cities insuranceimplementation of science and technology is a complex process, can collect data isvery limited, so it can be seen as a grey system, by using DEA model to analyze itseffect. DEA to measure the results show that Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Suzhouhigh-tech zone are relatively good, the performance of science and technologyinsurance implementation of Tianjin and Shenzhen science and technology insuranceimplementation of relatively poor performance.

  Because of science and technology insurance is a combination of science andtechnology innovation and insurance services, determines the technical complexityand high risk characteristics. At the same time, because of science and technologyinsurance is still a new thing in China, is still in its infancy, there are still someproblems in the process of development. These problems lead to its supply anddemand is restrained. This show the disadvantages with the understanding of scienceand technology insurance science and technology enterprise insufficient effectivedemand for insurance, the insurance company for the supply of science andtechnology insurance lack of government support for science and technologyinsurance needs to be improved.

  For the first batch of pilot city science and technology insurance problems that existin the implementation process, in the process of further promotion of science andtechnology insurance in our country can take the following suggestions. First, startfrom the understanding level of strengthening science and technology insuranceresearch. Second, break the high-technology enterprise of prejudice, expand insuranceeffective demand of science and technology. Once again, the insurance companieshave to improve their ability of insurance claims, improve the science and technologyinsurance mode. Furthermore, the government should enhance the support of scienceand technology insurance. Finally, perfect supporting facilities play a role ofintermediary bridge.

  Keywords: Science and technology risk; Science and technology insurance;Insurance claims; Pilot cities; effect

  目 录

  0 引言

  0.1 研究背景与研究目的

  0.2 国内外研究现状与发展动态

  0.2.1 国外研究现状与发展动态

  0.2.2 国内研究现状与发展动态

  0.2.3 国内外研究述评

  0.3 论文的主要研究内容与研究方法

  0.3.1 论文的主要研究内容

  0.3.2 论文的研究方法

  0.4 论文的创新之处与研究不足

  1 科技风险与科技保险的一般理论

  1.1 科技风险与科技保险的基本内涵

  1.1.1 科技风险的内涵与特征

  1.1.2 科技保险的基本内涵与提出依据

  1.2 科技保险功能与业务类型

  1.2.1 科技保险的功能

  1.2.2 科技保险的业务类型

  1.2.3 科技保险的运行原则

  1.2.4 科技保险规避科技风险的运行模式

  1.3 科技保险运行中各主体的行为分析

  1.3.1 高新技术企业需求行为

  1.3.2 保险公司供给行为

  1.3.3 政府部门保障行为

  1.3.4 第三方机构介入行为

  2 我国首批科技保险试点城市相关工作开展情况

  2.1 首批科技保险试点城市工作实施现状

  2.1.1 北京市

  2.1.2 天津市

  2.1.3 武汉市

  2.1.4 深圳市

  2.1.5 重庆市

  2.1.6 苏州高新区

  2.2 首批科技保险试点城市经验总结

  3 我国首批试点城市科技保险实施效果评价

  3.1 基于 DEA 模型的首批科技保险试点城市的实施效果测算

  3.1.1 模型建立

  3.1.2 模型相关因素选择

  3.1.3 模型求解

  3.1.4 影响首批科技保险试点城市实施效果的因素分析

  3.2 首批试点城市科技保险实施过程中存在的问题及原因

  3.2.1 公众对科技保险的认识不深刻

  3.2.2 高新技术企业对科技保险的有效需求意识下降

  3.2.3 保险公司对科技保险的供给不足

  3.2.4 政府对科技保险扶持力度有待提高

  4 我国进一步推广科技保险的政策建议

  4.1 重视专业研究,推进科技保险运营的规范化

  4.1.1 深入开展国内科技保险理论研究

  4.1.2 研究借鉴国外与科技相关保险先进技术和经验

  4.2 打破高新技术企业偏见,扩大科技保险有效需求

  4.3 保险公司提高自身承保理赔能力,完善科技保险模式

  4.3.1 拓宽科技保险的保险标的范围,加强产品创新

  4.3.2 注重核保理赔环节,构建新型的保险承保理赔模式

  4.3.3 控制道德风险,增强保险公司经营稳定性

  4.3.4 培育科技保险优秀人才,提高人才素质

  4.4 政府加大扶持科技保险力度

  4.4.1 理顺各种关系,整合各类资源

  4.4.2 完善优惠政策,增强激励效果

  4.4.3 发挥政府的支撑作用,合理放宽监管

  4.4.4 总结前期经验,把宣传工作做到实处

  5 结论


