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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-18 共5565字









  Constructing the harmonious relationship between the people and police isan important part of the “Three Construction Policy” of our Ministry of Public Security andalso an essential requirement to the public security work of the Party's fundamental purpose ofserving the people heart and soul. It has the graveness and profound meaning of promoting thecomprehensive development of public security work, and maintaining national safetyand social stability under the current situation. In recent years, along with the all-rounddevelopment of our country in politics, economy and ideological culture, the contradictionbetween the government and the masses has been alleviated, and correspondently therelationship between the people and police has been improved too. In addition, the publicsecurity organs carried out a series of nationwide practical activities of “Close to the people,Love the people”through strengthening inside quality and setting up outside images and theactivities have effectively closed and prompted the relationship between the people and police.

  However, we need to recognize that our country has entered into the complex period of socialtransition with a further development of the economy and society. In this period,various social contradictions show up while benefits patterns change deeply and unstablefactors increase continuously. Facing the new circumstances, new problems and disharmoniousfactors still exist within the relationship between the people and police in our country. Therefore,a deep analysis of the affecting reasons and a rational exploration of the ways of constructingthe harmonious relationship are of great practical significance.

  By using correlation theories of public administation and by combining empirical studiesof specific cities'harmonious relationship construction, this paper deeply analyzes the reasonsthat affect the relationship between the people and police in the three following aspects: thepeople and police surroundings, the public security organs subject and the masses object.

  Meanwhile, this paper also tries to raise feasible new ways and approaches by learning from theadvanced experiences and practices at home and abroad in closing the relationship between thepeople and police. The full text is divided into six chapters: Chapter One is the introduction,which mainly describes the purpose and significance, the current situation studies at home andabroad of the relationship between the people and police, and confirmed the research methodsand ideas of this paper at the sam time. Chapter Two emphatically analyzes the currentsituations of the relationship between the people and police and try to find solid theoreticalsupport in developing the relationship via theories of new public administration, new publicservice and public administration environment. Based on the actual situation that our country isnow in the period of social transition, it also analyzes the time characteristics of the relationshipbetween the people and police and provides references for constructing such aharmonious relationship. Chapter Three provides empirical cases for the research by deeplyanalyzing the outcomes and problems of the relationship between the people and police inRizhao City, Shandong province. In the light of the actual circumstances, Chapter Four analyzesthe existing problems and explores in great depth the further reasons that affecting theharmonious development of the relationship in the three aspects of the people and policesurroundings, the public security organs subject and the masses object. Chapter Five providesreferences for the further development of the relationship by summarizing the usefulexploration and advanced experiences and practices of the constructionof harmonious relationship between the people and police in Canada, UK, Korea, Hong Kongand mainland. Combined with the actual public security work, Chapter Six studies the ways andapproaches of constructing the harmonious relationship between the people and police from theaspects of strengthening the team construction, adhering to the law enforcement for the people,reinforcing the construction of police public relations, and following strict impartial lawenforcement and normative use of police force, etc, and finally puts forward feasible andeffective and corresponding countermeasures.

  Through the integrated use of the research methods of literature reading, socialinvestigation and case studies and combined with my working experience in practical publicsecurity department, this paper puts forward feasible countermeasures by emphaticallyanalyzing the ways and measures of constructing the harmonious relationshipbetween the people and police from the reasons which currently affect the relationship. Weshould also see that the construction of harmonious relationship between the people and policeis a complex social systems engineering. Only when the masses and the public security organshave positive communications and interactions, form common value pursuits and after a longterm development can we reach the ultimate goal of “Harmony”. For the public security organs,they need to further strengthen theoretical research and practical exploration and create bettersocial environment for the harmonious development of the relationship between the people andpolice in the aspects of legal construction promotion, service function transformation and socialmanagement innovation, etc.

  Keywords: Relationship between police and the public; Harmony; Public security work

  目 录

  中文摘要…… I


  第一章 绪 论…… 1

  1.1 问题的提出 …… 1

  1.2 论文研究意义 …… 1

  1.2.1 公安机关为民服务的需要 …… 2

  1.2.2 提高公安机关执法效率的需要 …… 2

  1.2.3 公安机关开展警民关系建设的需要 …… 2

  1.2.4 提升公安机关良好形象和执法公信力的需要 …… 2

  1.3 国内外研究现状 …… 3

  1.3.1 国外警民关系的研究现状 …… 3

  1.3.2 国内警民关系的研究现状 …… 4

  1.4 研究思路、研究方法和研究框架 …… 5

  1.4.1 论文研究思路 …… 5

  1.4.2 论文研究方法 …… 5

  1.4.3 研究框架 …… 6

  第二章 警民关系的相关概念、理论基础和时代特点…… 7

  2.1 相关概念 …… 7

  2.1.1 警民关系 …… 7

  2.1.2 和谐警民关系 …… 7

  2.1.3 警察公共关系 …… 8

  2.1.4 民本警务 …… 8

  2.2 理论基础 …… 9

  2.2.1 新公共管理理论 …… 9

  2.2.2 新公共服务理论 …… 9

  2.2.3 公共管理环境理论 …… 9

  2.3 社会转型期警民关系的时代特点 …… 10

  2.3.1 当前社会转型期的特征 …… 10

  2.3.2 警民关系的时代特点 …… 10

  第三章 日照市警民关系现状分析…… 13

  3.1 日照市构建和谐警民关系的背景 …… 13

  3.2 日照市在构建和谐警民关系方面取得的成效 …… 13

  3.2.1 严厉打击违法犯罪提高群众安全感……13

  3.2.2 建设服务民生机制提高群众满意度……14

  3.2.3 加强执法规范化建设提升公安机关公信力……14

  3.3 当前日照市警民关系中存在的突出问题……15

  3.3.1 警力不足不能完全有效的保障群众利益……15

  3.3.2 警民之间缺乏必要有效的沟通……15

  3.3.3 公安内部业务管理机制不够规范……16

  3.3.4 公安执法存在不规范行为……16

  第四章 影响警民关系和谐的原因探析 ……17

  4.1 警民环境方面的原因……17

  4.1.1 社会认同感缺失……17

  4.1.2 舆论导向偏离……17

  4.1.3 社会不稳定因素增加……18

  4.1.4 社会动态管理难度加大……18

  4.1.5 非警务活动累积……19

  4.1.6 警民之间缺乏有效的沟通平台……19

  4.2 公安机关主体方面的原因……20

  4.2.1 民警角色定位混乱,警务界限不明确……20

  4.2.2 部分民警能力素质不强……21

  4.2.3 部分民警公共服务意识不强……21

  4.2.4 民警执法规范化不足……22

  4.3 群众客体方面的原因……22

  4.3.1 群众法律意识薄弱……22

  4.3.2 群众对警察的期望值过高……23

  第五章 国内外构建和谐警民关系的经验 ……24

  5.1 国外及港澳台地区构建和谐警民关系的实践……24

  5.1.1 加拿大警方的实践……24

  5.1.2 英国警方的实践……24

  5.1.3 韩国警方的实践……25

  5.1.4 我国香港地区警方的实践……26

  5.2 我国内地构建和谐警民关系的先进典型举例……26

  5.2.1 枫桥群众警务……26

  5.2.2 义乌模式……27

  5.2.3 湖州“警务广场”……28

  5.2.4 台州“警民恳谈”活动……28

  5.3 国内外构建和谐警民关系的经验启示 …… 29

  5.3.1 真诚服务原则 …… 29

  5.3.2 重视形象原则 …… 29

  5.3.3 密切沟通原则 …… 29

  第六章 构建和谐警民关系的途径和方法…… 30

  6.1 加强公安队伍建设,提高公安民警素质 …… 30

  6.1.1 加强思想政治教育,提高民警政治素质 …… 30

  6.1.2 加强职业道德建设,提高民警道德素质 …… 30

  6.1.3 加强队伍廉政建设,树立民警良好形象 …… 30

  6.2 树立执法为民理念,提高民警服务意识 …… 31

  6.2.1 转变管理理念,树立执法为民思想 …… 31

  6.2.2 加强沟通交流,打牢警民感情基础 …… 31

  6.2.3 帮扶困难群众,扎实为民办实事 …… 31

  6.2.4 推行社区警务,加强警民合作 …… 32

  6.2.5 提高公安民警做群众工作的能力和水平 …… 32

  6.3 严格公正执法,提高执法质量 …… 32

  6.3.1 加强执法培训,提高业务水平 …… 32

  6.3.2 规范执法行为,严守办案程序 …… 33

  6.3.3 重视打击实效,树立警察威信 …… 33

  6.3.4 加强执法考评,完善执法监督 …… 33

  6.3.5 落实执法责任,杜绝冤假错案 …… 34

  6.4 加强公共关系建设,引导社会舆论 …… 34

  6.4.1 设立相关机构,加强公共关系组织建设 …… 34

  6.4.2 改进公安宣传,树立公安机关良好形象 …… 35

  6.4.3 做好舆论引导,密切关注舆情动态 …… 35

  6.4.4 强化机制建设,提高公共关系效能 …… 35

  6.5 加强公安宣传工作,争取群众理解支持 …… 35

  6.5.1 加强法律宣传,改善执法环境 …… 35

  6.5.2 强化正面宣传,扩大公安机关影响力 …… 36

  6.5.3 推进警务公开,密切警民关系 …… 36

  6.6 规范警察职责,减少非警务活动 …… 36

  结束语…… 38

  参考文献…… 41

  致 谢…… 43
