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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-11-12 共2780字


  摘 要







  With mobile internet, social networking, e-commerce applications such asgrowing,we are in a data the explosive growth of “big data” era. in the age of bigdata, data becomes the business itself in many industries. data becomes more andmore important. “Big data” or even as “one kind of capital, labor juxtaposed elementsof the new economy.” But this is not the only big data master massive datainformation, but you want to be a professional master data analysis and processing,through the “processing” so that the original data value, can be used.

  Similarly, the era of big data on telecom operators the ability to control datapresents new challenges and opportunities. As operators of voice, SMS revenuescontinue to decline these conventional flow business has gradually become the mainsource of telecom operators' revenues. However, the flow of carriers operatingbusiness has become increasingly difficult: First, the contradiction between thenetwork resource consumption and traffic growth have become increasinglyprominent; Secondly, the popularization of various traffic operations, the role ofcompetition in terms of price, it is difficult to achieve sustainable growth in trafficrevenues. In the telecom operators for voice, SMS era, their marketing methods,marketing strategies are relatively simple, relatively extensive, not designpersonalized, sophisticated package, not the characteristics of business, the starproduct will be able to occupy a large market share, and to the big data era trafficmanagement, telecom operators follow the original policy if it will lose the right tospeak of the market, its position, profitability in the product chain and so willgradually decline.

  Telecom operators want to change this situation, it is necessary to integrate theuse of telecommunications to bring the huge consumer user data, do data mining,unlock the value of big data assets, the construction of large data carrier platform,customer segments, to provide users with the difference service, accurate flowoperations.

  Currently, many of the best Internet companies and traditional industries havefound that “big data” opportunities to actively use big data as an important means ofself-transformation and upgrading, while telecom operators has a huge user baseunderlying data has not exploited. This topic through Hubei Mobile as a carrier, alarge study by data mining and management, innovation and profit model, theexpansion of the business model, the value of crack flow difficulties, providingstrategic support business transformation.

  Keywords: Big data; Flow;Business strategy

  目 录

  1 绪论……1

  1.1 研究目的和意义……1

  1.1.1 研究目的……1

  1.1.2 研究意义……2

  1.2 国内外相关研究及发展趋势……3

  1.2.1 大数据现状及发展趋势……3

  1.2.2 电信运营商开展大数据经营的现状分析……6

  1.3 研究内容……9

  1.3.1 研究思路……10

  1.3.2 论文框架……10

  2 相关理论介绍……12

  2.1 电信运营商流量经营概述……12

  2.1.1 市场营销与流量经营的关系……12

  2.1.2 电信运营商流量经营的特点……12

  2.1.3 电信运营商流量经营的目标……13

  2.2 电信运营商数据挖掘概述……13

  2.2.1 大数据经营与流量经营的关系……13

  2.2.2 电信运营商数据挖掘的特点……13

  2.3 大数据概述……13

  2.3.1 大数据的定义……13

  2.3.2 大数据的特征……13

  2.3.3 大数据的商业模式……14

  2.4 相关理论基础……14

  3 湖北移动公司流量经营现状分析……17

  3.1 湖北移动公司的基本情况……17

  3.1.1 湖北省基本情况介绍……17

  3.1.2 湖北移动公司总体情况介绍……17

  3.2 湖北移动公司流量经营的现状分析……18

  3.2.1 电信运营商流量的特点……18

  3.2.2 电信运营商流量经营的发展阶段……18

  3.2.3 湖北移动公司流量经营现状分析……19

  3.3 湖北移动公司流量经营需要解决的问题……23

  4 湖北移动公司流量经营的大数据战略……25

  4.1 湖北移动公司大数据驱动的流量经营 SWOT 分析 ……25

  4.1.1 优势分析……25

  4.1.2 劣势分析……26

  4.1.3 机会分析……26

  4.1.4 威胁分析……27

  4.2 以大数据驱动的湖北移动公司流量经营战略……27

  4.2.1 湖北移动公司向大数据服务提供商转型……27

  4.2.2 以大数据服务提供商助推流量经营……28

  4.3 基于大数据的湖北移动公司的流量经营策略……29

  4.3.1 以大数据驱动流量业务分析……29

  4.3.2 利用大数据支撑高流量 2G 用户迁转到 3G……31

  4.3.3 以大数据定位目标用户促流量业务营销……32

  4.3.4 以大数据驱动流量成本及质量优化……33

  4.3.5 以大数据驱动流量经营分析……33

  4.3.6 “头羊计划”:大数据驱动社交圈子分析……33

  5 结论与展望……35

  5.1 研究结论……35

  5.2 研究展望……35


  致 谢……39
