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来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠
发布于:2016-11-21 共5143字


  摘 要
  全文共分 7 章:
  Since the “fifteen plan” took urbanization as a key national strategy, thedevelopment speed of urbanization has been increasing. At the same time, under thebackground of general population aging, urbanization causing the young rural transferto the cities, which has greatly made the rural population aging degree gradually overthe city to become China's most ageing areas, especially on rural employment aspects.
  the decline in the rural labor employment quality which caused by the populationaging, greatly restrict China's new countryside construction and the coordinateddevelopment of the new countryside and urbanization, become an obstacle to China'sbuilding a harmonious society. In the Chinese “New Normal” status, how to narrowthe gap between urban and rural, and how to promote the development of urban andrural integration is a particularly critical question. And the good populationenvironment or “demographic dividend” undoubtedly is one of extremely importantsignificances for the further development of Chinese economy. A large number ofyoung rural labor forces transferred to cities, and then became industrial workers,service personnel which undoubtedly provided fresh blood for the development ofurbanization, and promoted the rapid development of urbanization. In this process,however, a large number of young labor force transferred that makes the rural areaswhich has already faced serious aging problem harder. That also objectively hinderedthe new rural construction and the coordinated development of the new type ofurbanization. At the same time, a large number of rural youth to cities caused a largenumber of left-behind children and empty nester problem, further advanced ruralsocial and economic problems. In addition, China's agricultural production areasinfluenced by rural employment population aging, that will also affect China's foodsecurity.
  Therefore, it is of great significance that to analyze the relationship among theaging of the population, urbanization and rural employment status of ruralemployment population ageing and its influence on new rural construction,development, and then based on this to put forward relevant Suggestions forpromoting China's new urbanization and new rural construction. In this paper, on thebasis of combing the domestic and foreign related research, the aging of thepopulation cause to the urbanization of rural employment effect is analyzed, and theurbanization development speed faster agricultural heartland of Jilin province as anexample, the urbanization process of rural employment population aging status,characteristics were analyzed, and then the evaluation index system to evaluate theaging population of the rural employment, on the analysis of the response is proposedon the basis of summarizing the policy dilemma rural employment the aging of thepopulation policy ideas, principles and countermeasures.
  The full text is divided into seven chapters:
  Chapter 1: introduction, mainly discussed the paper's research background,purpose, significance, thinking and method, and the research status at home andabroad.
  Chapter 2: the definition and theoretical basis, which includes the definitionof rural employment, population ageing, and population ageing of rural employment.
  And the main concepts for this article were new classical economics theory ondemographics, Lewis dual economic structure theory, etc.
  Chapter 3: the influence from urbanization to rural employment aging, whichanalyzed the rural employment on the sight of supply and demand.
  Chapter 4: rural employment present situation and characteristics of populationaging in the process of urbanization- taking Jilin province as an example, whichanalyzed the urbanization process of the aging of the population distribution in Jilinprovince, and then analyzes its characteristics. This paper discusses the urbanizationin Jilin province rural employment population ageing population changes in thestructure, development speed, etc.
  Chapter 5: evaluation and policy dilemmas of Jilin province rural employmentpopulation aging in the process of urbanization, which analyzed by building theevaluation index system, the other major agricultural region of Jilin province and thenational rural employment population ageing evaluation, and analysis of the aging ofthe population in Jilin province rural employment policy in urbanization.
  Chapter 6: policy ideas, principles and recommendations for Jilin province ruralemployment population ageing problem in the process of urbanization, which toprovide policy ideas, principles and countermeasures to cope with Jilin province ruralemployment population ageing and concrete countermeasures include: vigorouslydevelop modern agriculture and to reduce Jilin province rural employment populationdependence; Promote represented by small towns of new urbanization construction,give play to the role of small towns “sub-core”; Developing agricultural park, promotethe development of urban and rural integration; Improve the quality of rural laboremployment population and encourage youth old people continue to work, etc.
  Chapter 7: Conclusions.
  Key words:Rural Employment, Ageing, Urbanization, Jilin province

  目 录
  第 1 章 导论
  1.1 选题背景
  1.2 选题目的及意义
  1.2.1 选题目的
  1.2.2 选题意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状
  1.3.1 国外研究现状
  1.3.2 国内研究现状
  1.3.3 国内外研究述评
  1.4 研究方法及技术路线
  1.4.1 研究方法
  1.4.2 技术路线
  1.5 论文主要创新点
  第 2 章 农村就业人口老龄化概念界定及理论基础
  2.1 农村就业人口老龄化相关概念界定
  2.1.1 人口老龄化
  2.1.2 农村就业人口
  2.1.3 农村就业人口老龄化
  2.2 基础理论
  2.2.1 古典经济学派人口理论
  2.2.2 马尔萨斯人口理论
  2.2.3 刘易斯二元经济结构理论
  2.2.4 人力资本理论
  第 3 章 城镇化对农村就业人口老龄化的引致作用
  3.1 城镇劳动力有效需求对农村就业人口老龄化的影响
  3.1.1 劳动力有效需求对转移农民岗位的影响
  3.1.2 岗位需求对农村转移就业人口结构的影响
  3.2 农村劳动力转移对农村就业人口老龄化的影响
  3.2.1 年龄对农村劳动力转移倾向的影响
  3.2.2 青年农村劳动力转移对农村就业人口结构的影响
  3.2.3 农村就业人口老龄化对人口红利的影响
  第 4 章 城镇化进程中农村就业人口老龄化现状及特征分析--以吉林省为例
  4.1 吉林省农村就业人口老龄化现状
  4.1.1 吉林省农村就业人口老龄化整体空间分布情况
  4.1.2 吉林省农村就业人口老龄化在全国农业产区中所处位置
  4.2 城镇化进程中吉林省农村就业人口老龄化特征分析
  4.2.1 吉林省农村就业人口结构变动极为明显
  4.2.2 农村就业人口老龄化速度极快
  4.2.3 吉林省农村就业人口“未富先老”
  4.2.4 农村就业人口老龄化对吉林省影响较大
  第 5 章 城镇化进程中吉林省农村就业人口老龄化评价及其政策困境
  5.1 城镇化进程中吉林省农村就业人口老龄化评价
  5.1.1 评价指标选取
  5.1.2 权重确定
  5.1.3 数据处理
  5.1.4 评价结果分析
  5.2 城镇化进程中吉林省农村就业人口老龄化政策困境
  5.2.1 各地区农村就业人口老龄化程度差异较大,造成政策制定困境
  5.2.2 城镇化与吉林省农村就业人口老龄化关系密切,政策协调困难
  5.2.3 生育政策调整困境
  第 6 章 城镇化进程中应对吉林省农村就业人口老龄化问题的政策思路、原则及建议
  6.1 应对吉林省农村就业人口老龄化问题的政策思路及原则
  6.1.1 应对吉林省农村就业人口老龄化问题的政策思路
  6.1.2 应对吉林省农村就业人口老龄化问题的原则
  6.2 应对吉林省农村就业人口老龄化问题的建议
  6.2.1 大力发展现代农业,降低吉林省对农村就业人口依赖性
  6.2.2 推动以小城镇为代表的新型城镇化建设,发挥小城镇“亚核心”作用
  6.2.3 发展农业园区,推动城乡一体化发展
  6.2.4 提高农村就业人口劳动素质,鼓励青年老人继续工作
  结 论
  致 谢