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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-28 共3075字


  摘 要







  Employee training as enterprise development and management of humanresources,one of the important content of the staff with knowledge and skill,theupdate creativity and innovation spirit increased,discover and cultivation,coode ofconducr and responsibility consciousness of regulations and strengthen played animportant role.With the coming of knowledge economy,the competition betweenenterprises is growing performance staff quality competition and intellectual abilityof competition.Early high-quality staff become enterprises to participate in theknowledge economy era,the inevitable choice but to compete in the enterprise stafftraining practice,the influence of subjective and objective reasons due to various willoften staff training,enterprise development”positioning for nourishment,“tainingwork into the ”efficiency good without time training,have time training benefits andbad“dilemma.So,for enterprise that,how to correctly positioning employee trainingand carried out,is a challenging and creative work.

  Changchun City tobacco companies ownership of tobacco companies in Jilinprovince jurisdiction, responsible forthe whole of the tobaccomarket Changchun area of work. Jilin province is the tobacco companies (MonopolyBureau) subsidiaries (Bureau)。 In recent years,make a spurt ofprogress Changchun City tobacco companiesreforms, each job obtainedgreat development, but only in the training of employees that a seeminglyinsignificantparts are less than a little, now I training mechanism companiesbuilt that no benefit to corporation development within days after the company'scompetitiveness in the industry as a whole, control within the. In view of the aboveproblems, this paper analysis from Changchun City tobacco companies existing stafftraining system, find the problem, and then on the analysis of the problem, throughaccess to documents, to construct a scientific and reasonable new employee trainingsystem.

  First of all, on the company's training needs analysis: put forward the sources ofdemand, the training demandsources can be from various departments of thecompany, including multi level employees. Combined with thecompany's training practice, introduces the interview method, questionnairesurvey method and so on manytraining needs analysis method.

  Secondly,from the six aspects of optimizationof company training. First, optimize the training objectives of the plan. Thetraining plan is the strategic target of the enterprise as the basis, and through theanalysis of training needs, the final setting of the system trainingtime, location, training, training objects, training methods and trainingcontent. Second, optimize the training object. According to the nature of thework and the characteristics of eachwork, combined with the company's actualneeds of work, training staff to carry out scientific andreasonableclassification. Third, methods of optimizing training, combined withthe characteristics of the nature of their work,the author thinks that thecompany used teaching method, research method, case analysis, network trainingand other four methods. Fourth, optimize the training content. According to thescientific classification of the company,set up the training content appropriate forevery type of employees. Fifth, optimize training logistics. Provide enough learningfacilities, equipped with relevant hardware facilities, choose the excellent trainingteachers. Sixth,optimize the training effect evaluation. Develop training courseevaluation,questionnaire divided into stages, afterreasonable assessment training

    Keywords:enterprise;employes;and training

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论 ……1

  1.1 研究背景 ……1

  1.2 研究意义 ……3

  1.3 研究方法与结构 ……3

  第 2 章 长春市烟草公司员工培训体系现状及存在问题 ……5

  2.1 长春市烟草公司简介及组织机构 ……5

  2.2 公司培训体系现状……7

  2.3 长春市烟草公司员工培训体系存在的问题及原因分析 ……8

  第 3 章 长春市烟草公司员工培训体系的优化 ……15

  3.1 长春市烟草公司员工培训优化的指导方针 ……15

  3.2 长春市烟草公司员工培训优化的需求分析 ……18

  3.3 优化长春市烟草公司科学的员工培训体系 ……24

  第 4 章 长春市烟草公司优化员工培训的实施保障 ……37

  4.1 建立完善的培训制度 ……37

  4.2 优化员工培训工作的组织保障 ……39

  4.3 保障培训过程中的后勤保障 ……39

  结 论 ……41

  参考文献 ……42

  致 谢 ……44
