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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-31 共2567字


  摘 要






  Road freight is an essential industry of national economy, the final aim of which is topromote economic development, improve the people’s living standards and, greatly meetpublic needs. Located at the junction of four provinces, Zhangjiakou City has anadvantage of gifted position. Therefore, the vigorous development of road freight industryof this city is of vital importance for enhancing her economic development, for stimulatingurban and rural commercial circulation, for making things convenient for the people’swork and life, and, for enlarging employment.

  The thesis, at its beginning, introduces the basic concepts of road freight industry and,analyzes the current situation of this industry in Zhangjiakou. Furthermore, by theempirical research method and other approaches, it exposes the problems in this industryin Zhangjiakou: disorder of market, unreasonable transportation structure, small scaleenterprises, pressing for legislative solution to road transport supervision, imperfectadministrative capacity for freight transport, uncoordinated relation between themanagement code of freight transportation enterprises and the demands of modernlogistics. Then, the thesis sums up the causes of the problems above. In the end, it putsforward the countermeasures and proposals for this industry in Zhangjiakou, i.e.,rationalizing the system mechanism, developing a more rational and effective trafficmanagement team, raising the level of road freight management by applying finemanagement thoughts, constantly improving laws and regulations of road freight, andbuilding perfect logistics hub station for freight transport. Being helpful to thedevelopment of road freight industry in Zhangjiakou, those proposals indicate that solvingproblems should suit measures to local conditions, but not stick to existing patterns. Onlywhen there is breakthrough, can people find out new ways suitable for the localdevelopment of this industry.

  The research findings can offer practical bases for transportation departments ofgovernment, contribute to the development of road freight industry in Zhangjiakou, byaccumulating experience, summarizing rules, forming countermeasures and, offeringrelated approaches and reference for the management of it in other regions, in order topromote the sound and orderly development of this industry in China, and escort for thegrowth of China’s market economy.

  Keywords: road freight; Zhangjiakou City; management; problem; countermeasure

  目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪 论

  1.1 选题背景与研究的目的和意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 问题的提出

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国内研究现状

  1.2.2 国外研究现状

  1.3 本文研究内容和研究方法

  1.3.1 研究内容

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 预期研究结果、价值

  第 2 章 货物运输管理理论与政策依据

  2.1 货物运输管理含义与特性

  2.1.1 货物运输的定义及分类

  2.1.2 货物运输的特性

  2.1.3 道路运输未来的发展趋势

  2.2 货物运输公共管理理论的精细化管理

  2.3 当前我国对货物运输的政策法规

  2.4 本章小结

  第 3 章 张家口市道路货运管理发展状况和存在问题

  3.1 道路设施建设情况

  3.1.1 道路基础设施

  3.1.2 高速公路建设成效

  3.2 货物运输发展状况

  3.2.1 货物运输历史沿革

  3.2.2 物流枢纽建设

  3.2.3 货物运输组织与其他条件

  3.3 道路货运存在的问题及成因

  3.3.1 市场管理层面的问题及成因

  3.3.2 管理与发展不协调问题及成因

  3.3.3 货运市场法制不健全,行为不规范的问题及成因

  3.3.4 货运场站建设滞后,物流节点作用难以发挥的问题及成因

  3.4 本章小结

  第 4 章 完善张家口市道路货物运输管理的建议

  4.1 理顺体制机制,建立更加合理高效的交通管理队伍

  4.1.1 健全道路运输管理体制

  4.1.2 解决货运管理政出多门问题

  4.1.3 加大道路货物运输监管力度

  4.2 道路货物运输实行精细化管理

  4.3 不断完善道路运输法律法规

  4.3.1 尽快制定《道路运输法》为执法提供法律依据

  4.3.2 立法更加明确,避免街头官僚的产生

  4.3.3 依法治运,加强个体运输户道路运输立法工作

  4.4 货运物流枢纽场站布局规划方案

  4.4.1 健全张家口市物流枢纽站场布局方案

  4.4.2 物流园区建成后的重大意义

  4.5 本章小结

  结 论


  致 谢
