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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-07 共2084字


  摘 要







  With the development of our country’s economy and society, there has been a commonview in higher education circles that introduction of private capitals contributes to highereducation popularization that cannot only depend on investment from government. So privatecolleges have emerged and boomed as the times require in recent 30 years, being an importantpart of higher education in our country. Compared to public counterparts, the distinctivefeature of private colleges lies in self-financing without any government grant. The limitedfund is allocated in many respects, such as buying hardware devices, constructing schoolbuildings, engaging teaching staff and so on. As a result, teacher motivation lacks of fundwith high staff turnover.

  Among private college teachers, young teachers and elder teachers are in the majority,middle-aged ones are fewer. Young teachers outnumber others and tend to quit easily. So wemust stabilize middle-aged and young teacher team and strengthen quality building andmotivation mechanism for a long-term development of private colleges.

  This paper sums up the achievements of motivation mechanism of private colleges andpoints out main problems by comparing the difference of policies, treatment, and careerdevelopment and so on between public colleges teachers and private college teachers. Somepractical measures of middle-aged and young teacher motivation mechanism of privatecolleges are put forwards.

  Key words: private college; middle-aged and young teachers; motivation mechanism;measures

    目 录

  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景与研究意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外研究综述

  1.2.1 国外文献综述

  1.2.2 国内文献综述

  1.3 研究思路与方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  2 民办高校教师激励的理论基础

  2.1 相关概念的界定与解释

  2.1.1 激励的内涵与作用

  2.1.2 民办高校的界定

  2.1.3 民办高校教师界定

  2.2 相关的激励理论依据

  2.2.1 需求理论

  2.2.2 双因素理论

  2.2.3 期望理论

  2.2.4 成就理论

  2.2.5 公平理论

  2.2.6 目标理论

  3 民办高校中青年教师特点与需求分析

  3.1 民办高校中青年教师的突出特点

  3.1.1 缺乏归属感,职业发展目标不明确

  3.1.2 工作量大,心理压力较大

  3.1.3 科研能力与水平低

  3.1.4 薪酬待遇低,相关保障额度低

  3.1.5 自我效能感低,渴望被尊重

  3.2 民办高校中青年教师的需求分析

  3.2.1 生理与居住需求

  3.2.2 自尊与荣誉需求

  3.2.3 社会交往的需求

  3.2.4 自我实现的需求

  4 我国民办高校教师激励现状

  4.1 民办高校教师激励已取得的成效

  4.1.1 体现在国家政策和制度上

  4.1.2 体现在细化管理上

  4.1.3 体现在队伍建设上

  4.2 针对中青年教师提出激励存在的主要问题

  4.2.1 外部激励环境欠缺

  4.2.2 内部激励实施不足

  4.3 民办高校重视中青年教师激励的意义

  4.3.1 对民办高校的生存与发展意义重大

  4.3.2 对学生的成长与成才意义重大

  4.3.3 对构建高质量师资队伍意义重大

  5 构建民办高校中青年教师激励机制

  5.1 构建相结合的岗位聘任制与薪酬激励制

  5.1.1 实行以岗定薪原则

  5.1.2 实行分类管理原则

  5.1.3 实行薪酬激励原则

  5.2 构建合理的教师培养制度

  5.2.1 构建教师梯队培养制度

  5.2.2 构建教师进修培训制度

  5.3 构建切实可行的绩效考核制度

  5.3.1 引导个人目标与学院一致

  5.3.2 增强绩效考核指标的可操作性

  5.3.3 注重绩效考核结果的反馈

  5.4 构建教师民主参与决策制

  5.4.1 尝试教师参与内部治理的机制

  5.4.2 营造和谐的校园文化氛围




