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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-19 共3763字












  China's economy has entered into the period of 'new normal', traditional rural areas havechanged great with the development of the modern, urbanization and industrialization, and it alsobrings the deepening the risk of social transformation to the farmers. So the government shouldstrengthen the functions of social security system. Rural social security system can resolve socialrisks and to maintain social stability of the system. On the one hand to provide basic support toresolve social risks faced by farmers and improve their ability to cope with risks, on the otherhand, it is the responsibility of the Government to improve and reform the social security systemin rural areas, thus contributing to the long-term development of the entire society. It will notonly improve the ability of farmers to cope with the risks of social transformation, letting themshare the fruits of reform and opening up and development, and further stimulate theirenthusiasm for social and economic development. Furthermore, one of the main responsibilitiesof the government to improve the level of social security of residents and maintain socialstability. Therefore, the transition period to enhance risk control capacity of the social securitysystem to achieve win-win situation.

  The thesis is divided into five parts:

  The first part of the paper is to explain the concept and theoretical basis, the main outlinesof the transition period, the social security system and the social security risks in three basicconcepts, explain the theoretical basis of the current theoretical study of China's rural socialsecurity system is the part from Marxism and capitalism ingredients, and then point out the risksof this article is to combine social and social security, explained the risks of social theory, socialrisk management framework.

  The second part of the thesis studied the relationship between social transformation andrural social security system, describes the impact of social transformation of China's rural socialsecurity system in the economic base, the object and the implementation of environmentalanalysis, pointing out the social transformation of our current society security system had aprofound impact on the necessity to enhance the social security system in rural areas of riskprevention and control functions.

  The third part main explains the risk control failure problems of China's rural social securitysystem. Pointed out that rural social security system should have the following risk controlfunctions: prevention can predict the risk of rural social security, risk prevention andunpredictable part of the interest groups of farmers to compensate transition period, summarizedthe transition period of China's rural social security current development system: the protectionof quality, and security system “fragmentation” trend, funding is limited, and points out China'srural social security system risk control failure problems: rural social security system reformtransition period lag, rural social security the failure of public policy resources into rural socialsecurity is limited, decentralized system of rural social security risk has not been established, sothat the current social security system in rural phenomenon failure risk prevention and control ofsocial security in rural transition period.

  The fourth part proposed measures to enhance risk control function of rural social securitysystem in the transition period: changing concepts of governance to carry out top-level design ofrural social security system, reform of the current rural household registration system, a soundrisk management system in rural areas as well as social increase in the social security system inrural areas of investment and financial supervision. So as to maintain social stability, improve thelevel of social security in rural areas, and thus avoid the potential risk of social transition in ruralareas, so that farmers share the fruits of reform.

  The fifth part is concluding remarks of thesis.

  Key words: Social Transformation; Rural Social Security system;Risk control function

  目 录

  中文摘要…… I

  Abstract…… II

  绪 论…… 1

  1.问题研究的背景意义 …… 1

  1.1 问题的提出 …… 1

  1.2 理论意义 …… 2

  1.3 现实意义 …… 2

  2.问题研究的现状 …… 3

  2.1 国外研究现状 …… 4

  2.2 国内研究现状 …… 6

  3.研究目的和方法 …… 7

  4.研究创新 …… 7

  第 1 章 概念阐释与理论基础…… 9

  1.1 概念阐释…… 9

  1.1.1 社会转型 …… 9

  1.1.2 社会保障制度 …… 9

  1.1.3 社会风险 …… 10

  1.1.4 社会保障风险防控功能 …… 11

  1.2 理论基础…… 12

  1.2.1 风险社会理论…… 12

  1.2.2 社会风险管理框架 …… 13

  第 2 章 我国社会转型对农村社会保障制度的影响分析…… 14

  2.1 社会转型对农村社会保障制度经济基础的影响…… 14

  2.2 社会转型对农村社会保障制度对象的影响…… 15

  2.3 社会转型对农村社会保障制度实施环境的影响…… 16

  第 3 章 我国农村社会保障制度风险防控功能及其失灵问题…… 18

  3.1 农村社会保障制度的风险防控功能…… 18

  3.2 转型时期我国农村社会保障制度的现状 …… 19

  3.2.1 转型时期我国农村社会保障质量不高 …… 19

  3.2.2 转型时期我国农村社会保障制度的“碎片化”趋势 …… 20

  3.2.3 转型时期农村社会保障制度的资金投入有限 …… 21

  3.3 转型时期我国农村社会保障制度风险防控功能失灵问题 …… 21

  3.3.1 农村社会保障制度的改革滞后 …… 22

  3.3.2 农村社会保障的执行不力 …… 22

  3.3.3 农村社会保障的政策资源投入有限 …… 23

  3.3.4 农村社会保障风险分散机制尚未建立 …… 24

  第 4 章 提升农村社会保障制度风险防控功能的对策建议 ……26

  4.1 转变政府治理理念…… 26

  4.2 开展农村社会保障制度的顶层设计…… 27

  4.3 改革现行农村户籍制度…… 28

  4.4 健全农村社会风险管理制度…… 29

  4.4.1 完善基层群众性自治组织 …… 30

  4.4.2 发展和完善农民的利益协调机制 …… 30

  4.4.3 培育和发展农村非政府组织 …… 31

  4.5 增加对农村社会保障的投入与资金监管…… 32

  4.5.1 农村经济发展是农村社会保障的内在性物质保障 …… 32

  4.5.2 增加财政资金投入 …… 32

  4.5.3 强化对农村社会保障资金监管 …… 33

  结束语 ……34

  参考文献 ……35

  致 谢 ……37
