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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-19 共4933字







  第二部分主要介绍成功智力理论的基本内容,包括从超越传统 IQ 到三元智力理论再到成功智力理论的形成过程、成功智力的内涵和分析性智力、创造性智力和实践性智力三个关键以及成功智力本身具有的特点,从宏观的角度先对成功智力理论本身做大体的梳理,为下面论述从成功智力理论的视角审视部分传统高中思想政治教学设计存在的缺陷做铺垫。





  关键词:成功智力 教学设计 高中政治 应用策略


  Teaching design is the high school ideological and political teaching practice of the guide,to carry out new curriculum concept to a key link in the education teaching practice. For a long time, however, some Chinese teachers in the high school ideological and political teaching design in the development of the focus on analytical thinking, ignoring the student individuality,away from the reality, these drawbacks directly lead to the development of high school students one-sided development trends, the development of high school students creativity and individuality formed the serious restriction and depression.

  Sternberg put forward the theory of successful intelligence for us to solve the problems and overcoming disadvantages provides a good way of thinking. In the implementation of quality education today, the high school ideological and political teaching design should focus on students' subjective initiative, to promote the active participation and willing to explore, based on helping students to improve the ability of analysis, problem solving, to develop their potential and success in the life. This with sternberg's “analytical intelligence, practical intelligence and creativity to coordinated development, attach importance to cultivating students' practice ability and innovation spirit” and “in view of the development of the students' intelligence development” and “to create a good cultural atmosphere for students' intelligence development, harmonious relationship between teachers and students.” , etc. So in sternberg's theory of successful intelligence as a guide to the high school thought political lesson teaching design research, promoting the innovation and development of high school thought political lesson teaching practice.

  This paper starts with the current situation of high school thought political lesson teaching design, analyses the main problems. According to the high school ideological and political course standard and the spirit of the new curriculum reform, discusses how to in the design of ideological and political teaching in high school into the successful intelligence concept, so as to promote each student all-round development. Paper is divided into the following five parts.

  The first part elaborates the paper selected topic reason and the significance, introduced the domestic and foreign theory of successful intelligence and study status of middle school thought political lesson teaching design, the thesis key, difficult and innovation.

  The second part mainly introduces the basic content of successful intelligence theory, including from beyond the traditional IQ to ternary intelligence theory to the formation process oftheory of successful intelligence, successful intelligence analysis of the connotation and intelligence, creative intelligence and practical intelligence three key and successful intelligence itself has the characteristics of the first successful intelligence theory itself from the perspective ofmacro do general comb, for the following part discussed from the perspective of the theory ofsuccessful intelligence design defects of the traditional high school ideological and political teaching.

  From the third part emphatically to analyze successful intelligence perspective the problems existing in the traditional high school ideological and political teaching design. From successful intelligence theory “three yuan” target horizon on part of the traditional teaching design of teaching aim is comprehensive, from a perspective of successful intelligence theory emphasizes the practical ability development of examining whether a part of the traditional teaching design theory with practice, from the successful intelligence theory attaches great importance to the development of the innovative spirit of horizon examining whether the design of the part ofthe traditional teaching methods to explore the value, from “successful intelligence theory of”

  everyone success “horizon examining whether part of the teaching design is beneficial to students' personality development.

  In the fourth part discusses the theory of successful intelligence design under the guidance of high school ideological and political teaching practice exploration. Including successful intelligence theory under the perspective of high school ideological and political teaching designprinciples and the theory of successful intelligence under the perspective of high school ideological and political teaching design strategy and application. This part is the core content of this article, by analyzing the traditional teaching design, from the teaching goal design, teachingcontent and teaching method design is summarized on the basis of the theory of successful intelligence on specific principles of teaching design and strategy, combined with my education internship experience at the same time, the high school thought political lesson required a ”economic life“ make specific application cases.

  The fifth part explains in senior high school thought political lesson teaching design inthe application of the theory of successful intelligence several problems should be paidattention to. Focuses on the practical teaching design by using the theory of successfulintelligence to avoid misunderstanding: emphasizes on students' development, but does notexclude the teacher's leading role, at the same time, under the guidance of successfulintelligence theory is not suitable for all the teaching contents and teaching design is not to letthe students get the same development and success.

  Keywords: Successful intelligence teaching designhigh school political application strategy




  引言…… 1

  (一)论文选题的理由及意义…… 1

  1、选题理由…… 1

  2、选题意义…… 2

  (二)国内外关于该课题的研究现状…… 2

  1、成功智力理论与学科教学相结合的研究现状综述…… 2

  2、高中思想政治教学设计研究现状综述…… 3

  (三)论文研究计划…… 4

  1、研究目标…… 4

  2、研究内容…… 4

  3、硏究重点、难点及创新点…… 4

  一、成功智力理论概述…… 6

  (一)成功智力理论的形成…… 6

  1、超越传统 IQ-三元智力理论……6

  2、从“三元智力”迈向“成功智力”…… 6

  (二)成功智力理论的主要内容…… 7

  1、成功智力的内涵…… 7

  2、成功智力的三个关键…… 7

  (三)成功智力理论的特点…… 8

  1、成功智力注重对传统智力理论的质疑…… 8

  2、成功智力是智力多元化的整体…… 9

  3、成功智力关注智力的发展…… 9

  4、成功智力关注影响智力的因素…… 9

  二、从成功智力视角看部分传统高中思想政治教学设计中存在的问题…… 10

  (一)教学目标设计比较侧重于培养学生分析性智力…… 10

  (二)教学内容的设计不够重视培养学生实践性能力…… 10


  (四)教学过程设计在促进学生个性发展方面不够重视…… 12

  三、成功智力理论视域下高中思想政治教学设计的实践探索…… 12


  1、注重三元目标分析…… 13

  2、注重以学生为中心…… 13

  3、注重全面评价…… 13

  4、注重创造人文氛围…… 13

  (二)成功智力理论视角下的高中思想政治教学设计策略及应用…… 14

  1、全面设计教学目标…… 14

  2、认真分析学生特征…… 15

  3、恰当选择教学方法…… 16

  4、精心设计课堂教学过程…… 17

  5、科学进行教学评价…… 23

  四、实施成功智力教学设计应注意的几个问题…… 25

  (一)成功智力理论的教学设计强调以学生为中心,但并不排斥教师的主导地位…… 25

  (二)成功智力理论的教学方法并非适合所有教学内容…… 25

  (三)成功智力理论的教学设计不是为了发展思维技巧而忽视对知识的获得与掌握…… 26

  (四)成功智力理论的教学设计并非是让学生的学习结果相同…… 26

  参考文献目录…… 29

  致谢…… 30
