摘 要
关键词:寿险公司 银行保险 经营绩效
As Banks and insurance companies, Banks insurance effectively made up for a singleproduct, insurance company can't let consumers completely eliminate prejudice, allowingboth to complement each other in a product, business on mutual penetration, meet the needsof the development of the current our country's economy. Of course, because our country inthis research, so is also a wide variety of problems. And one for life insurance companiesinsurance bank business performance influence factor analysis is not accurate crux, how tofind out the specific factors, and presents the suitable ideas is the key to solve the problem.
Review of the literature at home and abroad, for this topic research mainly focus onforeign multinationals and local financial enterprises, with the domestic research, mostdocuments are in the study of financial integration under the new mode of cooperation. Thispaper will study the problems focused on the factors influencing the performance in the fieldof domestic bank insurance to our country to improve the bank insurance marketingenvironment, improve marketing performance have a very good role in promoting.
In this paper, under the premise of summarizing the related literature at home and abroad,combined with the life insurance company bank insurance nearly management presentsituation analysis, thus detailed discussing the development course of the businessperformance, management present situation and the existing problems; Then, according to thecorresponding problem, an in-depth analysis was carried out to the bank of new China lifeinsurance, for example, based on the practical work of a number of practitioners of mainfactors affecting the performance of in-depth study, in the final analysis to improve businessperformance, for your reference.
Specifically, this paper is divided into seven parts are analyzed to solve the problem. Thefirst part: introduction, discussed in this paper, the research background, significance, contentand method, and detailed introduced the outline of this paper and the research train of thought;Part 2: literature review. Defines the basic concept of this article involves, summarizes somemethods and measures to enhance corporate performance; The third part: the bank insurancemanagement current situation of life insurance companies. This paper introduces thedevelopment of life insurance companies in our country the bank insurance business stage andhistory, and the life insurance companies in our country at present the bank insurance businesshas been studied, summarized its characteristics and the status quo; The fourth part: the bankinsurance business performance management problems. Put forward the life insurancecompany of the four major problems of the bank insurance business, respectively, on the lifensurance sales personnel quality is not high in efficiency is low, the life insurance companiesand Banks bad cooperation lead to cost increase, sales channels of a single bank, selling lifeinsurance bank products such as barriers to carried on the thorough analysis; The fifth part:
the bank of new China life insurance business performance case studies. By analyzing thefactors that influence the bank of new China life insurance business performance so as toconclude that influence the efficiency of the bank of new China life insurance businessproblems; The sixth part: to improve the life insurance company bank insurance measures ofperformance management. According to the fifth part analysis the influencing factors ofenterprise performance, thus it is concluded that the opinions and Suggestions to improveefficiency in enterprise management, improve the insurance business enterprise management.The seventh part: conclusion. The article summarizes the research contents, and sublimationof the subject matter.
In this article, through the questionnaire and case study analysis, etc., out of the bankinsurance business performance can be the major influencing factors of the consumer demandfactors, cultural factors of life insurance companies and Banks, life insurance companies andthe relationship between the bank and factors, bank insurance product design and sales teambuilding the five factors to analysis, and through mining the potential demand of consumers,strengthen the cultural integration, deepen the cooperation relations, the function more perfectbank insurance products and cultivating the bank insurance sales team this several strategiesto relieve and solve problems, ensure that can be more objective to alleviate and solveproblem.
Generally speaking, in the process of discourse, this paper draws on a large number ofdomestic and foreign literature and the results of the actual questionnaire analysis, this articlehas the feasibility and operability.
Key words: life insurance companies Bank insurance Business performance
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 选题背景与意义
1.1.1 选题背景
1.1.2 选题意义
1.2 选题的研究目标及内容
1.3 选题的研究方法及论文框架
1.3.1 研究方法
1.3.2 论文框架
2 文献综述
2.1 银行保险的概念及特征
2.1.1 银行保险产生背景及基本概念
2.1.2 银行保险的特征
2.2 影响银行保险经营绩效的因素分析
2.3 提升银行保险经营绩效的方法
3 寿险公司的银行保险管理现状
3.1 银行保险的发展历程
3.1.1 寿险行业的发展及特点
3.1.2 银行保险的发展阶段
3.2 寿险公司银行保险管理的现状
3.2.1 寿险公司与银行的职能分工
3.2.2 银行保险的合作关系及管理架构
3.2.3 主要寿险公司的银行保险管理模式
4 银行保险经营绩效管理存在的问题
4.1 银行与寿险公司合作不良导致经营成本增加
4.2 寿险公司银行产品实际销售遇阻
4.3 银行营销渠道比较单一,客户覆盖率比较低
4.4 销售人员的综合素质较差
5 新华人寿银行保险经营绩效个案研究
5 1 新华人寿及其银保经营现状简介
5.1.1 新华人寿简介
5.1.2 新华人寿银行保险经营现状
5.2 样本选取与经营绩效指标分析
5.2.1 样本选取
5.2.2 指标选取
5.3 新华人寿银行保险经营绩效影响因素定量分析
5.3.1 消费者需求
5.3.2 寿险公司与银行的合作关系因素
5.3.3 寿险公司与银行文化融合因素
5.3.4 银行保险产品的设计因素
5.3.5 寿险公司的销售队伍建设因素
5.4 银行保险经营绩效影响因素定性分析
5.4.1 消费者需求因素
5.4.2 寿险公司与银行的文化融合因素
5.4.3 寿险公司与银行之间的合作关系因素
5.4.4 银行保险产品设计因素
5.4.5 销售队伍建设因素
6 改善寿险公司银行保险绩效管理的措施
6.1 挖掘消费者的潜在需求
6.2 加强双方文化融合
6.3 深化两者合作关系
6.4 推出功能更加完善的银行保险产品
6.5 注重培养银行保险销售团队
结 论