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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-11-23 共4751字


  摘 要




  从 1992 年年底,东北证券北国之春营业部开业,到目前互联网的浪潮下,传统的通道业务利润已经岌岌可危;分析近年公司利润构成,包括现场、非现场证券交易贡献和创新业务利润等占比;并分析其进一步发展所面临的瓶颈和主要问题,包括传统模式的高成本、低效率,并且即将进一步降低的利润空间。

  继而本文从内部和外部两个角度分析了影响东北证券互联网金融发展战略的因素。外部因素:监管方面,证券公司的“创新发展”研讨会于 2012 年在北京举行,开放客户资金账户的开立可以采取网上自助模式,开启了证券公司在互联网上销售理财类产品的时代;宏观方面,中国互联网在最近几年的快速增长,其特点是:用户,大量年轻,教育水平高;截至 2013 年底,中国个人资产累计投资 94 亿元左右,并且越来越多的投资者把自己手里的闲置资金投向理财产品而非银行存款,并且现今 95%以上的客户证券交易是通过非现场的方式进行;行业方面,分析业内其它公司进行互联网金融转型带来的影响,包括佣金跳水等。内部因素:分析东北证券传统客户服务模式与互联网服务模式的差异性。本文选取了相关的内、外部因素,进行了东北证券互联网金融发展战略的 SWOT 模型分析和 BCG 矩阵分析并得出结论。




  With the rapid development of internet technology and the growth of theinternet users, the internet has been extended to the financial industry with the handsof the revolution in the traditional industry. Although, the security was boor withinternet gene of non-spot trading, but the business and the internet mode of securitiescompanies don't have the internet era, and then. Securities company strategiccooperation with Internet companies or securities company alone transformation,channel, is destined to “0” commission profit space, and thus do not provide toomuch pure Internet financial services agency, but this is not the only way out of asecurities firm, is not even the main way, the securities company's advantage is itsinvestment and financing ability and financial talent reserves, once a pure Internetdiscount brokerage can make the social division of labor further refinement, thesecurities company of professional financial organizations focus on investment andfinancing projects, services in the financial service requirements higher high worthclients and institutional clients, the Internet securities organization serves only toprovide public information and few common customer service, Professionalorganization engaged in the professional field, further to maximize the social utility.

  The internet finance is treated as a significant innovation of security industry inrecent years, the industry are exploring actively. The era of small and medium-sizedbrokerages also hopes to change in the industry to realize “corner overtaking”. Theinternet finance has a great significance to securities companies, it would be furtherpractice in financial industry, especially the principle of “Rule of Two Eight” and“The Hong Tail ” and so on, it will promote the securities companies to establish amore, reasonable profit pattern. The innovation of internet finance will also have afar-reaching influence on investors, the securities companies can more fullyunderstand the investors through a lot of data to analysis, and then provide “privatecustom” type of financial products and services. Therefore, the Chinese investorswill completely change the single channel in the past that is financial theory andinformation asymmetry way of investment.

  Current Internet financial is not the wealth management, only in fixed-incomeproducts, are in a party with high price products to attract funds of relatively simplebusiness development stage, this model will eventually go to a price war. UpcomingInternet securities companies and numerous extrusions of Internet financial servicesproducts, there is no doubt that the securities company faces problems, will beprofessional ability in the field of financial considerations and their own institutionsof the Internet. This article is to explore from the perspective of institutionsthemselves the Internet enterprise strategic transformation.

  In this paper, the thread is the development of the financial innovation toanalysis the development and present situation of northeast traditional securitiesbusiness. From Oct. in 1992, the securities companies of Jilin province which is theprovince of Northeast Securities Co. LTD. to launch securities trading in securitiessales. Until now, the traditional channel business profits are at stake under theinternet wave, to analysis the profits of Northeast Securities Co. LTD. In recentyears, including the ratio of trade contribution of on-site and off-site securities andthe profit of long business and so on; to analysis the bottleneck and main problemsthat their further development faces, including the high cost traditional model,efficiency and will be further compressed the profit space.

  Then this article analyze the factors of effect the Northeast Securitiesinternet financial development strategy fro the perspective of both internal and external.Theexternal factors include: regulatory aspects,in May 2012,“SecuritiesCompanyInnovation Development Seminar” held in Beijing, to allow securities companies cantake funds account online. In March 2013, issued the “securities investment fund saleorganization through a third party electronic commerce platform to conduct businessmanagement Interim Provisions ”, and opened the securities companies via sales thenon-stock, wealth management financial products space from internet.The internethad a rapid growth spurt in recent years in recent years, its main characteristics arehaving a large number of users, high-younger, and high levels of education. At theend of 2013, the total assets of personal may about 94.1 trillion Yuan in China,moreand more investors put idle funds to financial products rather than non-bank deposit,and now, more than 95 percent of sacristies transactions are conducted bythe way ofoff-site.From industry, analyze the effect of other companies to arisefrom the restructuring of the financial impact of the internet, including commissions diving.The internal factors include: analyze the differences between Northeast Securities.

  traditional customer service model and internet service model. This paper selects therelevant of internal and external factors and conducts the analysis of SWOT matrixmodel of the internet financial development strategy of Northeast Securities andconcludes.

  In the last past of this pape,we had better to put forward countermeasures tothe financial development of Northeast Securities internet strategy, display thefinancial mall of internet as the core and analyze the financial situation and thepreferences of financial risk of customer in a full of range of help and so on.Toimprove customer service philosophy and conform to the internet service model andto standardize online.Services for retail customers and differentiate the guide ideology to carry out various internet services and gradually expand to complete the traditional business to internet platform.

  Keywords:Northeast Securities, Internet Financial, Strategic Development

  目 录

  摘 要 ……I


  第 1 章 绪论……1

  1.1 研究背景 ……1

  1.2 研究意义 ……2

  1.3 研究内容与论文框架……4

  第 2 章 东北证券股份有限公司业务发展现状和面临的主要问题……5

  2.1 东北证券传统经纪业务发展历程……5

  2.2 东北证券发展经营现状……9

  2.3 东北证券经纪业务在互联网金融兴起过程中面临的主要问题 ……15

  第 3 章 影响东北证券股份有限公司互联网金融发展的环境分析……19

  3.1 宏观环境因素 ……19

  3.1.1 政策因素 ……19

  3.2 行业内其它公司进行互联网金融转型带来的影响……22

  3.3 东北证券的营销、服务模式与互联网模式的差距……24

  3.4 东北证券互联网金融发展战略的 SWOT 分析……27

  第 4 章 东北证券股份有限公司互联网金融发展战略及实施对策……29

  4.1 东北证券互联网金融发展战略目标……29

  4.2 东北证券互联网金融战略的措施选择……31

  4.3 东北证券互联网金融发展战略实施的保障措施……38

  结 论……41


