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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2018-05-09 共6468字


  截至目前,民宿在我国大陆地区兴起已有十几年的时间,从 2006 年至2010 年底民宿业在大陆地区进入了快速发展期,2011 年至今,大陆民宿业发展更呈迅猛之势。在国家推进乡村旅游业发展的有利政策支持下,特别是在党的第十六届五中全会提出全面建设社会主义新农村以后,各地的民宿项目纷纷启动,然而,因为缺乏精准的发展模式,很多民宿群项目最终失败。
  So far, B&B has been arisen for more than ten years in the mainland ofChina. From 2006 to 2010, B &B entered a rapid development period in themainland. With the support of national policies which about pushing ruraltourism development, The CPC broached building a New Socialist Countrysideon the Fifth Session of the sixteenth Central Committee of the Party especially.
  B&B projects are launched allover the country. However, because of lacking ofgood development model. A lot of B&B project finally failed. The B&B industryis a starting point for the development of rural tourism, It is the key point torealize the transformation of the rural economy. Explore a set of patterns whichsuitable for China's rural village to development the B&B industry. Thus, it is ofprofound significance to promote the development of the village tourism in theancient villages.B&B industry first rose in the UK, Then gradual development to Japan andTaiwan,China. Taiwan B&B industry developed earlier than the mainland.
  Maturity was also higher than the mainland. The mainland B&B industry aremainly concentrated in the south of the Yangtze River, The B&B business inYunnan, Xiamen, Guizhou, Zhejiang developed earlier and faster than otherareas. Many of them were built around the scenic spots. For example, YunnanLijiang, Xiamen Gulangyu, Guizhou Lizhi, Hangzhou Mogan Mountain,Zhejiang Tonglu and so on. The mountains of Southern Anhui have beautifulscenery, The Mount of Huangshan and the Ancient dwellings in Yixian are themost popular Scenic spots in the world. To explore a suitable developmentpattern of their B&B industry is worth pondering. To realization B&B industrypromote the development of rural tourism industry in Yixian County.
  This paper research on the characteristics and value of B&B, Analysis ofthe B&B's feeling attribute and commercial attribute, At the same time pointedout that the core value of pension, Landscape environment of the B&B, Theregional culture and the characteristics of the B&B, The whole design and softdecoration of the B&B, The operation management of pension and the softpower of pension, In order to find out the suitable development model for YixianCounty ancient village homestay, The author selects several typical nationalB&B group's development model comparative analysis, Summing up the B&Bgroup industry's development model, Such as industrial integration, Communitydevelopment model of B&B group, B&B group theme refining developmentmodel, The mode of development which about scenic spot's development, Thedevelopment model of the complex, With the hope to find suitable developmentmode of Yixian County B&B group.
  Based on the comparison of several major development modes of B&Bgroup, Combination of the actual situation in Yixian County, From tourismresources, geographical location and environmental policy and the market trendanalysis of Yixian County village homestay advantage. For example, WhetherYixian can build out the characteristics of Yixian's B&B? The B&Bdevelopment talent demand can meet the actual? Whether the development ofB&B tourism facilities and foundation of civil style can support etc.
  On the basis of the analysis of the advantages and possible risks of theproject, This paper discusses for the ancient village of Yixian County B&B'sdevelopment mode from three aspects, the development precondition, industrymodel and management model, As far as the premise of development isconcerned, B&B's development needs to achieve sustainable development; Asfar as the industrial model is concerned, There are two main aspects. One is thedevelopment model of industrial integration. To stimulate all the idle resourcesin the country, Matched with the development of B&B, Use the drive effect of B&B to achieve the effect of driving the transformation of rural economy; Toachieve the effect of driving the transformation of rural economy; Another is a“Internet plus” B&B development mode, Using the large data platform'sadvantage of the Internet to realization B&B's platform development model, Torealization B&B's share economic development model, To realization B&B'sexperience economic development model, As far as the business model isconcerned, This paper puts forward the model of building a community as awhole to realize the B&B's operation development with self-organization andself development of residents. This paper takes Yixian County existing six majornatural villages for example, Analyzed the foundation of rural residents'community construction. Include the present situation of residents' participationin rural management, The form of village residents participate in B&B'sbuilding, And the significance of village residents participate in B&B's building,In order to explore the best mode for the development of Yixian County ancientvillage's B&B.
  At the same time, the article also pointed out that the ancient villages inyixian B&B's development problems and development strategies, The mainthing is the problem of lack of talent, How to cultivate and attract more talentsto enter the B&B industry, This is the key to the success of the project. Thispaper analyzes the ways and Strategies of talent acquisition from two aspects:the training of local talents and the attraction of foreign talents.B&B is the key to realize the development of rural tourism, It is also thekey to the transformation of the rural economy. B&B should be together with thesurrounding environment and the surrounding humanities, By this way, B&Bshould become a part of the rural lifestyle. Meanwhile to fully tap the pensionindustry chain related products, To maximize the potential value of the pensionindustry. Rural B&B is different from the city B&B, And it's different from theScenic B&B, Rural B&B is a specific geographical environment of rural life'sexperience, Only Integrate into rural life, Become part of country life, It can getreal country life experience.
  A point to be stressed, The development of B&B must adhere to theconcept of sustainable development, It is not to be quick. The construction ofrural lodging is a slow life, The spirit of ecological balance and sustainableutilization is observed. Do not be impatient, The natural environment and beautyof the country are not replicable. It's wrong to take the environment as the costof development, Development B&B is to make countryside more beautiful,Development B&B must maintain rural's green mountains and rivers.
  The B&B village is a new rural life style, The tourism economy of b &b isthe development direction of it. The sustainable development is the premise ofdevelopment, the agricultural leisure industry is the industrial mode, the internetthinking is the upgrade mode, the community overall construction is themanagement mode. Attracting talents widely, Continuous protection of theenvironment, Integrating leisure agriculture industry chain, Build an idylliccomplex, Finally, Established the village b&b tourism industry model, This willbe the best development mode of ancient villages in Yixian. And this will be thebest development mode of ancient villages in southern of Anhui.
  Key Words: The development model of B&B; Sustainable development; Industrialconvergence; Internet +; Community participation; Talent strategy;



  1. 1论文选题的背景
  1. 2论文选题的意义
  1. 3研究对象的界定
  1. 4研究方法和流程
  1. 4. 1基本思路


  2. 1相关概念的界定
  2. 2研究的理论基础
  2. 2. 1可持续发展理论
  2. 2. 2核心竞争力理论
  2. 2. 3产业融合发展理论
  2. 2. 4社区营造理论
  2. 3国内外民宿发展实践与研究
  2. 3. 1国外民宿发展实践与研究
  2. 3. 2国内民宿发展实践与研究


  3. 1民宿的属性
  3. 1. 2商品属性
  3 .2民宿价值分析
  3. 2. 1景观环境
  3. 2. 2本土文化
  3. 2. 3民宿设计
  3. 2. 4民宿软实力·


  4. 1典型民宿集群发展现状分析
  4. 1. 2民宿村社区营造发展模式·台湾桃米村
  4. 1. 4民宿村景点开发模式·江宁石塘村
  4. 2民宿群典型模式优劣势、适用条件分析及对黯县的参考意义。


  5. 1黯县民宿发展现状分析
  5. 2黯县民宿村发展现有优势条件分析
  5. 2. 1旅游资源
  5. 2. 2地理区位
  5. 2. 3政策环境
  5. 2. 4市场趋势
  5. 3黯县民宿村项目发展中存在的一般问题分析与对策
  5. 3. 1黯县民宿旅游特色打造的问题与对策
  5. 3. 2黯县民宿发展人才匾乏的问题与对策
  5. 3. 3民宿村旅游基础配套的问题与对策
  5. 3. 4消防安全、基本医疗保障条件是否具备的问题与对策
  5. 4黯县民宿村项目发展中存在的核心问题分析与对策
  5. 4. 1古村落生态环境能否保持的问题与对策古村落民宿旅游可能带来的生态环境问题
  5.4. 1.2坚持可持续发展是保护生态环境的根本途径
  5. 4. 2发展民宿村旅游如何带动乡村旅游经济发展的问题
  5. 4. 2. 1发展民宿村旅游与带动乡村旅游的关系。产业融合发展模式带动乡村旅游整体发展
  5. 4. 3如何通过产业转型升级实现民宿产业提升的问题
  5. 4. 3. 1“互联网+”民宿平台管理发展模式
  5. 4. 3. 2“互联网+”民宿分享思维发展模式
  5. 4. 3. 3“互联网+”民宿体验经济发展模式
  5. 4. 4民宿村发展的同时如何实现本地居民同步发展的问题
  5. 4. 4. 1本地居民未同步民宿村发展可能带来的问题。黯县古村落居民参与民宿村营造现状分析
  5. 4. 4. 3黯县居民参与民宿村营造的基本形式和意义。


  6. 1模式选择的依据
  6. 2黯县古村落民宿村发展模式


  7. 2进一步工作的方向
