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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-11-17 共2843字


  摘 要

  广州市政府提出了“公交优先”的城市交通发展战略,并提出到 2016 年实现公交出行替代率达到 70%的目标。目前广州市初步建成了以常规公交、地铁、出租车、水上巴士为主体的立体公交系统。公交系统有多种模式,各种模式的建设成本和应用条件各有不同,市民对公共交通有所期待,而同时政府开展的公共交通发展决策又极易招致批评,目前正在开展中的广州市 BRT 拓展决策正是其中一例。



  关键词: 公共交通 决策过程 政治系统理论


  Guangzhou put forward the “bus priority” of the urban traffic development strategy,and puts forward to 2016 implementation of bus travel substitution rate reached 70%of the target. At present, Guangzhou have initially built three-dimensional public trafficsystem of conventional by bus, subway, taxi, water bus as the main body. The publictransport system has a variety of models, different modes of construction cost and theapplication conditions are different, the public have expectation of public transport, butthe public transport development decision-making hold by the government easily leadto criticism, which currently being carried out in Guangzhou BRT expansion decisionwas a case.

  The government in the public transport development decision-making, will facethe different social public opinion, the public opinion and the opinion can influenceproduced to the decision to carry out, but when the decision is implemented, there willbe new views, so here's the questions, how does these opinion make out, why theycan influence the decision-making, and what factors would be considered during thedecision-making by the government.

  This paper makes analysis on the development of public transportdecision-making process from the perspective of political system theory, to distinguishsystem and environment for decision making, analysis of input, output and conversionof decision-making process and content, understanding the interaction processbetween decision-making environment and the decision system of the public transportdevelopment decision-making. Through the political system theory, we can find thatthe decision-making environment and decision system in the whole decision-makingprocess have recurrent interactions, decision making environment according to theirown interests input request or decision support to the decision system, decisionmaking system comprehensive these input in a certain way, make the decisions andcarry it out, after the decisions carried out, the influence to the environment will beshow as different social public opinion, these opinion will be influence nextdecision-making process. The current environment does not fully express their needs,which make the system easy to care for this and lose that in the comprehensive, andthe environment will give different opinion in the different stages of decision-makingprocess, this could influence the direction and efficiency of decision making. For thisreason, if we need a good decision could reach a good social repercussion, we canimprove the decision-making process from improve the decision-making procedures,input, conversion and output segment.

  Keyword: Public traffic system, Decision-making process, Political systemtheory

    目 录

  摘 要……I

  Abstract …… II

  第一章 绪论……1













  第二章 广州市 BRT 决策的输入、输出过程分析 ……15




  二、广州市 BRT 决策的输入过程分析……22

  (一)中山大道 BRT 决策的输入分析……22

  (二)BRT 拓展决策的输入分析……25

  三、广州市 BRT 决策的输出分析 ……29

  (一)中山大道 BRT 试验线工程建设过程 ……30

  (二)中山大道 BRT 试验线运营组织过程 ……32

  (三)BRT 建设决策的评估情况……34

  (四)BRT 决策环境的反馈情况……35

  四、本章小结 ……39

  第三章 广州市 BRT 决策的转换过程分析 ……40

  一、实施转换过程的主体分析 ……40





  (三)利益综合的思路 ……48

  四、政策制定与实施过程分析 ……51

  (一)政策制定的程序 ……51

  (二)中山大道 BRT 决策制定过程……54

  五、广州市中山大道 BRT 建设决策的成功经验 ……59

  六、本章小结 ……59

  第四章 完善广州市公共交通决策的策略建议……61

  一、广州市 BRT 建设决策存在的问题……61






  (五)重视决策过程输出后的反馈环节 ……67

  结 论……68


  致 谢……72
